
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This is I Love to Read Month!


  1. Yvette, you painted this?? It's so charming! You are so talented! Do you sell prints of your work?

  2. Pat, thank you. I've been an illustrator for many years but recently, I stopped working for a variety of reasons, the main one being, I simply lost interest. I'd been going though some stuff in my life - breast cancer and my mother's death, and I went away from my work. I seem to have lost the necessary energy.

    I'm hoping maybe this year, to begin working again - set up an art blog. I do also, occasionally do pet portraits, mostly dogs. So I want to get that back up and running as well.

    Anyway, long winded answer is yes, I will, at some point, be selling prints. That's my long-term goal. I want to set up an etsy shop for my prints.

    Glad you liked my reading elephant. I wish I had a pair of those spiffy pajamas! Ha!


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