
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Salon: Three Books to keep an eye on.

Since I don't have cable, I'm listening to the Super Bowl on the radio and reading the Times online, a glass of wine at my elbow a bag of frozen veggies between my knees. Nice. (No ice-pack, hence the veggies. Same thing. My knee is still swollen.) The wine is leftover from my brother's visit the other day. Red wine. Not bad. I add a spritz of seltzer, otherwise instant headache.

Just read a review in the New York Times Sunday Book Section of a book I'm looking forward to reading: THE EVOLUTION OF BRUNO LITTLEMORE by Benjamin Hale - a debut novel. It's has a first 'person' narration by an unusual protagonist and a love story not for the faint of heart, but I can't help being intrigued. Read the review here. Somehow, I have the feeling this is going to be one of those Heart-Yankers I wrote about earlier.

An unusually rich book section for the Times this week. Another book review that looked interesting is, coincidentally, another debut novel: SWAMPLANDIA by Karen Russell. Review here by Emma Donoghue, author of ROOM.

A non-fiction read that looks mighty good: TOUGH WITHOUT A GUN The Life and Extraordinary Afterlife of Humphrey Bogart by Stefan Kanfer. Read the review here.

Some weeks I can't find a single thing in the Times Sunday Book Section that remotely interests me, this week: 3. You just never know.


  1. I will look for the bio about Humphrey Bogart! I discovered the movies "Casablanca," and "The Maltese Falcon," when I was in high school, and I've had such a crush on Bogart since then. :)

    Sorry about your knee! How did you injure it? I've torn all my knee meniscuses in the past, so I know how painful that is!

  2. Pat: My brother maintains that no other actor could show torment and indecision without moving a single face muscle, like Bogart. He's right.


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