
Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm taking a Blogging Break (On and Off) for the next three days... finish polishing up my short story otherwise I'm not going to make my own deadline which is Monday the 14th, and that would never do. Since I had my fall (slipped on an icy step on the porch) I've been doing everything in slow motion, so bear with me while I work, re-work, then re-work the story some more - I am a crazed editor at heart.

I apologize in advance for my silence, but it's the only way I can concentrate. I'll be back posting up a storm, as usual, probably late Monday or Tuesday morning.


  1. I'll be re-writing over the weekend, too - see you 'on the other side' Yvette! ;-)

  2. Best wishes on your short story writing. Can't wait to see it.

    I am auditing this course, as too swamped myself and wiped out.

    However, will gladly read the posted stories.

  3. Good luck on the story. I neve got around to even starting mine. It seems time got away from me. I hope you are feeling better from your fall and I'll talk to you when you come back :-)

  4. Thanks for calling over at my blog and I have noted re the Anne Perry (haven't read any of hers). Looking forward to seeing you after the weekend.

  5. Sue:I'm here for a moment then back I go. I'm worried that the more I fuss over the story and the more I try to cut it, I'm in danger of ruining the whole thing. But I'm keeping at it. Hard work. Jeez. :)
    See you Monday, Sue. Even if it's just the two of us. We'll know we did our very best. And evven I don't stick to 1500 words which right now seems nearly impossible.

  6. Dorte: Thanks for the encouragement.

    Kathy: Never again! Too much pressure!

    Ryan: Well, hope you like what you'll be reading on Monday. Won't be many of us I'm afraid. (Probably just Sue H and me.)

    Mystica: Anne Perry is a terrific writer, I know you'll like her work.


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