
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fun Stuff: Cartoonist/Illustrator George Booth.

I seem to be in need of a good laugh today. So George Booth's work popped into my head. Most well known, I think, for his work in the New Yorker, I have loved Booth's hilarious drawings for years. Far as I'm concerned, no one and I mean NO ONE gets the hysterical underpinnings of a cat quite like Booth. And dogs? Forget about it. NO ONE draws disgruntled, sneaky, amused, aggravated, dyspeptic dogs like Booth. He is the master.

Read a terrific interview with Booth and see more samples of his work here.


  1. I always liked Booth - especially the dogs!

  2. Yeah, the dogs are great. But the cats, too. He is a very funny man. Look at those old ladies and old men. I see myself in some of them. HA!

  3. Wonderful dogs, cats, people!

  4. Katy: Booth is a national treasure. He is just such a great cartoonish. Those little old ladies are wicked. Ha! But notice the dogs and cats in almost every cartoon. They're always just...there. Some are scratching for fleas too. HA!

  5. I am rereading these cartoons, and I must say that the women's remarks are hilarious--from the park to the living room.

    And off-point, as I don't know where to write this (and I am notorious for my off--point comments), is that my retired health care professional friend, to whom I gave "Mistress in the Art of Death," is loving it. She raved about it to me today, and, as usual, I got another friend into bad habits of staying up very late to read a mystery. (But, wow, is this book exactly right for her--woman doctor, 12th century England, and even anti-Semitism in the mix.)

    It is such a good feeling to match the right friend with the right book! (And I'll get to borrow it.)

  6. I can rise from the Phoenix only so many times is definitely a line from my family, without dog witnesses, a cat though.

  7. Kathy: We're very informal around here. Just write wherever and whenever you please. :)

    Yes, I love this whole matching the right book to the right friend idea. As 'Martha Stewart' says: it's a good thing. I say it, too. Because then you know that the book has a good chance of being read and appreciated. AND it always makes you feel better about your friends. ;)

    With Ariana Franklin now being gone, you have a limited list of her books left to read but what's left is choice. I most especially loved the last two books in the series: GRAVE GOODS and A MURDEROUS PROCESSION.

    As for Booth: yes, he's a total weisenheimmer. HA!

  8. If I read the book by Franklin and like it, I"ll make sure my non-library using friend has the rest in the series. She works too hard--even retired, doing volunteer work, and deserves it.

    So Abe Books or Amazon used, here I come, and I'll get to read a genre I usually don't.

  9. Lovely - especially the one about the phoenix :D

  10. Dorte: Yes, Booth is wonderful. I've been a phoenix once or twice in my life. Ha!


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