
Monday, January 24, 2011

Winter in New Jersey

This is the gorgeous picture my son-in-law Brian took while he and my daughter Skye were out and about in Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey. This fox looks wary but oh-so-handsome. What a beautiful creature.


  1. Lovely picture, Yvette!

    I had similar from my cousin in NH - accompanied with the temperature listings! (he seems to think I need reminding that you measure snow by the foot, rather than the inch, and that no matter how icy it may be here in the UK, it's balmy compared to the temps where they live! ;-p)

  2. It was 5 degrees yesterday. Today, I think, 15. Whatever it is, it's freezing cold. Rocky hates it. Poor little tyke. Even with his orange winter coat on, he can't wait to scoot up the stairs to the porch. I'm cutting walks short too. I'm getting too old for this. :)

  3. so wonderful!
    the little fox looks like a heroine in a fairytale!

  4. Martha: Oh yes, it could be a vixen, I suppose. Such solitary creatures. And yet, the females make for wonderful mothers.

  5. That fox is beautiful. (And to think people wear their coats! ugh)

    On poor, cold Rocky, I saw a program on NBC news a few months ago where someone from an animal rescue program said that older dogs (those 10 or over) should not go out for very long in the cold weather, just a quick walk and back inside.

  6. Hi Kathy, thanks for your concern. Rocky is 5 years old, so he's not THAT old. I do put a coat on him and only walk him a few minutes about 4 or 5 times a day. When it's really freezing out, I let him pee on a training pad. It all works out. :) Not to worry.

  7. That should work very well for Rocky. just few minutes, but maybe four times a day even. That is probably enough in those condtions. Enough for you to, I would think.

  8. Oh absolutely, Dave. Quite enough for me. I do wish I could get more exercise though. Oh well, that's what Spring is for. :)

  9. My neighbor, a Dachshund owner, and I were trying to figure out how to get the nearly 11-year-old dog some exercise, as she won't go out in the cold. (She's box trained!)

    The only thing we could think of is to toss pieces of her dried food across the room so she'll run to get it. Other things don't tempt her any more. She gets bored, and expects her humans to pick up tossed objects.

  10. Well, she IS elderly. We elderly don't like to fetch anymore. We're not crazy about exercise either. Ha!


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