
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Salon: Joyeux Anniversaire Monsieur Manet!

Today is the birthday of Edouard Manet (1832 - 1883) , one of the leading lights of the French Impressionist movement. So, in his honor, I'm posting a few of his paintings just in the name of pure enjoyment on a cold but sunny Sunday in New Jersey.

This is the painting, (Banc) whose print I've had forever. I'm sorry I couldn't find a better copy for you. But below is the print hanging in my living room/workspace. (I still haven't put away the Christmas decorations. Maybe tomorrow...)


  1. What I wouldn't give to be sitting in that sunny rose garden right now. If I wake up to any more minus thirteen mornings I shall have to seriously think about hibernation another year. Thank you for the pictures they are really restful.

  2. Me too, Annie. You're welcome. :)


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