
Friday, January 14, 2011

In the Mail Today: Books!

Two nice used copies of books arrived today. I've been meaning to read: N.C. Wyeth - A Biography by David Michaelis and APPLEBY'S END by Michael Innes. Well, now they're both here.
Yes, I'm still on a Michael Innes binge. Love his books! And my recent posts on artist N.C. Wyeth have reawakened my long-time interest in his life and work. He had a very interesting life (to say the least) and, unfortunately, a tragic end. Vanity Fair ran a fairly comprehensive piece on Wyeth several years ago and I've always meant to read Michaelis's book. (N.C. is the father of famed American painter, Andrew Wyeth and the grandfather of Jamie Wyeth.)


  1. Yeah! I see Jamie around town a few times a year, He lives a few miles away.
    Good choice for reading.. yvonne

  2. Nice reading. My mailbox is still to be done.

  3. Appleby's End is my favourite Michael Innes. It's absolutely hilarious and has a host of wonderful characters. Looking forward to your impressions of it.

  4. Have you read Andrew Wyeth's autobio as well? It is fascinating and helped me understand why I am not a great artist, but instead someone proficient at a certain level at numerous skills, all of which somehow inform my teaching.

    P.S. I fixed the animated films for adults link-thanks for the heads up.(can't add the link in a comment?)

  5. Yvonne: Do you really? Cool.I admire his work, especially his animals. Though the man with the pumpkin head is one of my very favorites. Of the three Wyeths, N.C.'s work is my favorite.

  6. Mystica: Well, I don't buy a lot of books anymore, but now and then I'll see a good price on a used book and I can't resist. Lengthy biographies especially, I like to own so I can read them at my own pace. What books are you waiting for?

  7. neer: I've read about ten or so Michael Innes books within the past few months (all that I could get my hands on), my library has none at the moment. I will be reading APPLEBY'S END soon. I just know I'm going to like it too.:)

  8. Healigan: Truth be known, I'm not as interested in Andrew Wyeth as I am in N.C. But I understand that N.C.'s bio has a good background on all the Wyeths. Enough to understand what went on, at any rate, and how they were all formed as artists. What an amazing family.

    Glad you fixed the cartoon thing. I think maybe I'll do a post on my favorite cartoon movies. Thanks for the idea! I'll link it to yours.


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