
Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Day of the New Year! 2011

First day of the brand new year - 2011. Okay, so now what do we do with it?

The clock is ticking. But, no pressure. Ha!

Note: Painting at top by Jessie Wilcox Smith


  1. Happy New Year Yvette! What am I doing today?Nothing but catching up on blogs. The snow is still high as ever - how much did you get? We got two feet where I am.

  2. Hi Julie, a Happy New Year to you as well! I'm playing the catch-up game today, too. We were lucky here, snow-wise. We got about 8 iunches where I am, but others in New Jersey got hit pretty hard. The sun's been out and about this past week, so part of the snow has either disappeared or turned to slush. Not very pretty.
    But it could have been much much worse. So I'm happy. :)

  3. Happy New Year, Yvette. I'm off and reading more vintage mysteries for the challenge we've both joined at . The mild weather is finally melting the snow - got nearly two feet in our part of NJ. Have a fun year of reading and blogging!

  4. Hi Les, and a Happy New Year to you! I've begun with Ellery Queen. (Really this particular Challenge is duck soup!)

    The roads have been clear here since the day after the snow - it's been that sunny. We got about 8 inches maybe a bit more. Nothing to get into a frenzy about. We were lucky.

    I hope you'll have a fun year as well, Les. :)


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