
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Crime Fiction Alphabet 2011: The Letter B for author Bruce Alexander

Bruce Alexander was the pseudonym of Chicago born, American author Bruce Cook. (1932 - 2003) Alexander was the enormously talented author of many fiction and non-fiction books. I became familiar with his work through his historical mystery series featuring the real life, remarkable personage Sir John Fielding. Fielding was an 18th century magistrate and social reformer who, along with his brother the novelist, Henry Fielding, created the Bow Street Runners, the first official London police force. John Fielding was a man who led a pretty amazing life, considering he had been blind since the age of 19. (He was known as The Blind Beak.)

Author Alexander's fictional series is centered on Fielding and his ability to solve the most complex crimes of the times. The novels, set in Georgian London feature the teeming mecca that was London in the 1700's. To read one of these books is to immerse yourself in a vividly realized, long gone culture - a living, breathing, tumultuous London where crime, petty and otherwise, ran rampant and 'policing' was a hit or miss affair. The hub of this world it seemed, was the brilliant magistrate and dispenser of justice, the blind Judge Fielding.

Beginning with the first book, BLIND JUSTICE, author Alexander gives Judge Fielding a helping hand in the figure of thirteen year old Jeremy Proctor, freshly arrived from the country. How Jeremy falls in with the judge and how their relationship grows and expands is developed over the next ten fascinating books.

Please go to the fantastic fiction website for a listing of all the titles in the Judge Fielding mysteries.

Tom Nolan for January Magazine conducted a terrific interview with Bruce Alexander in the Fall of 1999 which is available here.

If you're a fan of historical mysteries and for whatever reason are not familiar with this series, the Crime Alphabet 2011 Meme hosted by Kerrie at MYSTERIES IN PARADISE, is happy to bring Bruce Alexander to your attention.


  1. Thanks fo this contribution to CFA Yvette. I've added into the Letter B

  2. You're welcome, Kerrie. It was fun. Next up: Letter C! :)


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