
Monday, January 17, 2011

Crime Fiction Alphabet 2011 - A Community Meme

This is my first meme, so treat me gently. I've signed up at Kerrie's MYSTERIES IN PARADISE for this fun-sounding alphabet themed meme/challenge. Here's how it works: Every Monday - Friday, beginning with A last week (I'm a letter late joining up.) members of the meme write a Crime Fiction post using that week's letter of the alphabet posted by Kerrie every Monday. In other words, this week's letter which is B must show up as the first letter either in the author's first or last name OR be the first letter in the title of the book. Let Kerrie explain it, she can do a better job.

I hope to have a lot of fun going through my books and figuring out what or who to post about. Hmmm......Letter B, letter B....!


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