
Friday, January 21, 2011

10 Greatest Composers

Guess who is Mr. Numero Uno?

At least according to Anthony Tommasini who turned his research into a fairly comprehensive two week project to get at the 10 Best. Today: the results in the NY Times.

A good day for sublime music.
About five more inches of snow fell last night.


  1. Well, that's what makes Horse racing. I have those
    CD's and to be real honest, I can only stand soooo much of it. Chamber music is something
    I could live without. Now Rachmaninoff that's another story, he excites me..signing off
    ms. un-cultured

  2. I love chamber music and I could listen to the Brandenburg Concertos ad infinitum. But if you read the piece in the Times, you get a nice overview of why the author picked the composers he did. I tend to agree with his choices, though I was never a big fan of Stravinsky or Bartok.

  3. Ah, my all-time fav! My kids tell me it's because I love the structure but I always feel like Bach can draw out so much emotion as well.

  4. Yes, I think Bach put lots of emotion into his work. Probably some very intense emotion. I love his music.


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