
Friday, December 10, 2010

Vintage Agatha: LOVE these old book covers!

The vintage artwork just adds so much pizazz to the great Agatha Christie's stories. I wish they'd keep on doing the covers this way, rather than trying to go all cool, calm and understated. I've got a bunch of old paperback covers (mostly Agatha Christie) I've collected over the years, hoping, eventually to make some sort of collage with them. (One of these days it will get done!) Over the years, the paperbacks they belonged to crumbled apart, but I salvaged the covers. They are so much fun to look at. (I don't have the ones showing above, but mine, I think, are just as clever and just as much fun.)

NOTE: Here's the BEST website to go to if you want to see all sorts of vintage book covers.- mostly mysteries and thrillers. They do a remarkable job of scanning and categorizing the vintage covers and styles many of us remember with a great deal of affection. It's quite an undertaking they've got going on at The BookScans Database. Go check it out, you'll be amazed.


  1. I can never get enough of Christie stories
    Love them, yvonne

  2. Yvonne: Me too! I love them and reread them ALL the time. If I'm feeling sick or just down in the dumps, Agatha Christie is the cure. Ha!

  3. LOve Agatha Christie! And the Vintage covers are amazing! I think I must have been born at the wrong time! ;-)

  4. Sue: Ha! I still read the books - certain favorites over and over again. Yeah, I love the older covers best. It's great that you can still find all this wonderful old art online. Some of these covers are mind-boggling. :)

  5. I love all those old pocket-size edition covers (Dell, Bantam, & Pocket) all had great ones. I actually have the Sad Cypress that you show above. Just came across it this fall.

  6. Wow, Bev, that's a great one. I love the various
    cover interpretations of Hercule Poirot over the years.

  7. Fantastic. Love the artwork on these classic covers. So politely lurid.

  8. Exactly, Jacqueline! Good choice of words: 'politely lurid' - indeed. ;)

  9. Coffee and a Book Chick: Yeah, I love to go looking for old covers online. It's a fun way to spend too much time if you're not careful. ;)

  10. Somebody really needs to put out a calendar with these images. I would buy it in a second.

  11. Ryan: It's amazing to me that there doesn't seem to be any merchandising being done with all this old artwork. Maybe it's just that the 'rights' are hard to come by? Can't imagine why some enterprising soul hasn't done something with it all. I'd do it myself if I had the money to buy the 'rights'.


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