
Sunday, December 12, 2010

More Christmas Mysteries

The amazing Janet Rudolph at Mystery Fanfare posted the first (alphabetically) of her very comprehensive lists of Christmas Mysteries today, (Authors A - D). Here's the link. If you can't find a holiday title or two to wile away the hours waiting for Santa, then the book probably doesn't exist. Don't you just love end of year lists?
The list continues today, Monday, authors E - H.
And the list continues, today, Tuesday, authors I-N. The List continues today, Thursday, authors O-R. The List continues and ends today, Friday, authors S - Z. Thanks again to Janet Rudolph at Mystery Fanfare.


  1. Yes, yes, yes, I LOVE lists. Been gathering them from everywhere but mostly Twitter. LOVE Twitter, so many authors, teachers, readers, librarians but MAN not enough time in the day! LOVE your blog!!

  2. Love them myself.

    My mailbox is also up today. Also a giveaway. Please come over and enter!

  3. Jean: Thanks, m'dear. I'm a BIG FAN OF LISTS!!! As you can tell from my blog. Ha. I wish I liked Twitter as much as you do. But I never see many interesting Tweets. Maybe I don't have the right followers or I'm just not following anyone interesting. HA!

  4. Mystica: I went over to your blog and entered the Giveaway - I could use a crockpot! We have similar reading tastes! Thanks for dropping by.


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