
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Here Comes Santa Claus

Remember these Santas? Aren't they perfection? When I think of Santa, this is who I think of. These rosy-cheeked, red-suited chubbies were created for the Coca Cola company by Swedish-American illustrator Haddon Sundblom -the very first one debuted in the company's advertising in 1931. This year is the Sunblom Santa's 75th Anniversary. You can read more about Sundblom and his work for Coca Cola here. It's not so amazing that an advertising icon should have influenced how generations look at a Christmas icon. Almost any Santa done today by contemporary illustrators and/or designers owes something to Haddon Sunblom's happy creation.


  1. Nice to know

    I have a giveaway going on at my blog. A gift card sponsored by CSN Stores. please do come over and enter

  2. Mystica: I'll be over there - I love giveaways!

  3. These are the best! I always like that Coke still tries to have a commercial with a Santa like this every year :)

  4. Svea: Yes, they are very special. I've always loved them. This is the Santa of my childhood.

    Thanks for dropping by. ;)


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