
Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Birthday DAVE BRUBECK!!

The one and only. My brother and I were teens when Brubeck was doing his fabulous best. Loved him then, love him now. Listen to this viruoso performance of his most famous work: TAKE FIVE. from the transcendent album, TIME OUT. Paul Desmond at the alto sax is so smooth, so cool. And here's the Quartet's performance of STRANGE MEADOWLARK as a bonus. My brother reminded me, only just today, that we saw Dave Brubeck Live at Hunter College in the early sixties. I had totally forgotten. No doubt about it, my memory is shot.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Brubeck!!
Thanks so much to Ivan over at his THRILLING DAYS OF YESTERYEAR blog for the reminder.


  1. Yay! I remember introducing my son to Brubeck's work with this very track!!!!

    (As a great amateur musician, my son now introduces me to various 'new' artistes!!)

  2. Sue: I'll be listening to Brubeck all day today. Just in commemoration, you understand. ;)
    I know relatively NOTHING about 'new' music or today's performers and yet, I'm happy. :)


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