
Monday, December 20, 2010

A Good Morning Christmas Picture

Just for fun, I'm posting one Christmas picture a day as my first post. Of course this doesn't prevent me from posting other holiday scenes as the mood strikes. Among other things, I love the visual aspects of Christmas - as if you couldn't tell. Ha. (Love this hilarious Norman Rockwell celebration of the season!)


  1. Ah! The wonderful Mr Rockwell! Love it, Yvette!

  2. I love this one, especially as, since we see no children, we may assume this is a middle-aged couple grimly determined to carry on the Christmas tradition for its own sake, despite the danger of two of them on a ladder. His meticulous, if pathetic, placement of the star, and her heroically gripping his belt. Life is indeed a slippery slope sometmes.

  3. Sue: Yes, I love his work. I laughed when I saw this. But there's also something very touching about the scene.

  4. Jacqueline: I was new to this painting, but when I saw it I loved it immediately and laughed out loud. And yet, as you say, there's a whole story there for us to decipher. Very touching in their sweetly patient determination.

  5. There is a special Norman Rockwell exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum I have been meaning to visit! It shows photos of the live models he posed to paint many of his famous scenes.They were often peoople from his hometown. I hope to go once the holidays are over.

  6. Oh Pat, I hope you'll have tons of photos (if they let you take them). I've been reading how Norman Rockwell's hero when he was a young illustrator was the often mentioned (by me) J.C. Leyendecker, but Rockwell did go on to develop his own recognizable style. Love his workk. Love Leyendecker too.


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