
Monday, December 27, 2010

First Christmas!

My daughter and little granddaughter. Julianna's First Christmas. A very special day. For more pix of granddaughter and rest of family celebrating Christmas, please go to my daughter's wonderful blog, First Time Mama, First Time Blogger.


  1. Lovely pics, Yvette! (I left a comment over there) - no wonder you are so proud of 'li'l Miss'!! These are precious memories for the future.

    We found some old cine film of hubby and his sister aged 3 and 5 opening their Christmas presents and managed to get it put onto DVD for his parents - didn't arrive back in time for Christmas, but we are visiting them at New Year and looking forward to seing their faces as they watch it!

  2. Oh, they will be thrilled, I'm sure. I so wish I had film of my daughter opening her presents back then. I would probably get all misty and blubbery - ha! Thanks so much Sue, for your kind comments and good wishes.

  3. She's adorable! Having a little one around makes the holidays so much more fun!

  4. You said it, Lisa. This was one of our best family Christmases ever. And most of it was due to little Miss Julianna. What a joy she is.

  5. It looks like is was an extra special Christmas for you and yiour family, Yvette! Julianna is adorable!

  6. Yes, Pat, I must agree - ha! She is a treasure. The happiest baby you ever saw. She is a pleasure to be around. And oh goodness is she CUTE!!! Did you see her in her little Santa hat?
    I mean, you have to control yourself to keep from squishing her. HA!


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