
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Whatever you're doing today, the day before Thanksgiving...

If you're embarking on an 'over the river and through the woods' trek, I hope you'll have a great trip and a safe one, whatever your destination.
To put you in the mood : Read this Live Blog from today's NY Times about a family on their way to grandma's. I consider today the Officical Beginning of the Official Christmas Season (though I never get out my Christmas decorations until December 1st), because from here on in, everything seems to move in fast-forward mode. Of course it used to move even faster when my daughter was little and my parents were alive and I was still married and working practically seven days a week. But at my age, it moves as fast as it ought to, I suppose. I now have a granddaughter to fuss over on the holidays - this will be her first Christmas. Life marches on.
So, whatever you're doing today: working, cooking, traveling or taking it easy before 'the storm' hope it's a good one. Have a great Thanksgiving Day tomorrow.

Note: the painting in the middle, from Wind in the Willows, is by Arthur Suydam.


  1. Hope you and your family have a very happy Thanksgiving, Yvette!

  2. Thanks so much, Pat, m'dear. Best holiday wishes to you and your family as well. Lucky you for having seen Chihuly''s work LIVE. Your photos were gorgeous!


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