
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Music to Ride Horses By

Over on Pattinase, Patti posted one of her favorite movie themes: MIDNIGHT COWBOY - a great one to be sure. That gave me the idea to post a few of mine. The word 'cowboy' seems to be the operative word for today.

  • First is the THRILLINGLY PANORAMIC theme by Bruce Broughton for SILVERADO, one of my all time favorite westerns. Here's the trailer for the movie, in case you haven't seen it and you're in the mood. I am a BIG fan of the French horn, in case you hadn't guessed that.

  • Theme from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN, sountrack by the brilliant Elmer Bernstein. Great film, even greater music. Last year on vacation in N.C., this film came on cable and my brother and I sat down in the evening to watch it. We knew the scenes backwards and forewards, even most of the dialogue. We kept everyone else entertained with our running commentary on the film, even jumping up and down off the sofa to act out some of the actor's moves - embarassing! Needless to say, a GREAT favorite of ours that we hadn't seen in ages. The younger members of the group shook their heads at us 'oldies' and went to bed. They missed a classic.

  • Theme from THE BIG COUNTRY, by Jerome Moross. Not only a BIG theme, but a spectaular opening credit sequence. I never tire of watching and listening. I think there's a re-mastered version out there, if I'm not mistaken. The color in this is nowhere near the original.

Note: Painting up at the top by Frederick Remington.


  1. Love that Remington painting!

    With regard to hummable horse operas, nothing quite conjures up my childhood like Frankie Laine's theme for Gunfight at the OK Corral!

    I think Robert Vaughn's cowardly dude is my favourite feature of Magnificent Seven, especially his intro: "I found them!"

  2. Yeah, he's so over-the-top in his pose as super-gunslinger. I love Steve McQueens hand gesture later when they talk about him. They suspect Vaughn's character is a little 'off', but beggars can't be choosers. :)

    I think Vaughn and Eli Wallach might be the only two cast members who are still alive. Last time I looked, anyway. Valentine deVargas might also be alive, not sure. (He had a non-speaking part as one of Wallach's henchman. The cute one always on his left or right. Funny how I always remember cute men. HA!)


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