
Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Still November, after all...

Two great New Yorker covers of a few years ago. The first one by an artist named Bliss, the second by Michael Sowa, 'the Amelie artist'. (That's how I think of him, anyway.) There's usually something so special about The New Yorker holiday covers - most of them anyway. Even throughout the year, they always manage to get the best artists currently working to say something unique. Thanks to Nan over at Letters From A Hill Farm for this great link to more superb New Yorker covers.


  1. Have you seen this site:

    Going along with your book post and this one, the New Yorker offered one lately with a man using his laptop, and a wall of books behind him. Very sad. It is here:

  2. Oh, the first one is a GREAT link - thank you! Some of these older covers are works of art, no question. The second link wouldn't open for me.
    But thanks anyway. I'm going to have a great time looking over all the covers on the first link.
    Wonderful stuff.

  3. Did you try copying and pasting both the lines? I just did it again and it worked.

  4. Nan, I just tried it and it worked this time. Thanks! Yeah, great cover, but sad.


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