
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Challenge To Our Imaginations

Remember that incredible news story I posted on my blog a few days ago about the recent discovery of an unknown Boldini painting (worth millions) - in an apartment in Paris that had sat uninhabited for 70 years? The rent paid every month? Read it again, here. I am still very struck by this story. Aren't you? I mentioned at the time that someone should write a novel or screenplay or whatever about this VERY mysterious occurrence. I still think it. Wouldn't it be fun (at least for those of us who enjoy writing) to weave a tale about that apartment and that painting?

So how about it? I was thinking about a contest, but then I realized that it would entail more work than I can do at this time, also if I ran the contest I couldn't enter my own solution. And that would never do.

Well then, how about a Challenge? A fan-fiction Challenge. I know there are many actual and would-be short story writers out there and I can't imagine that if you read about the Paris apartment, you didn't immediately start thinking - what happened here? There's definitely a story waiting to be told.

I've never created a Challenge before - so I'm treading carefully. How's this sound? Any one of us who feels like writing a short story (1500 words, no more.) can do so - we'll set a time limit, say by February 14th Valentines Day - it is a romantic story after all, not that your story HAS to feature an actual romance.(I know, I know, it's the Holidays and who has time to write? Well, this gives you January and part of Feb.) When the stories are done, we'll post our individual stories on our blogs, then link them to each other. We can even vote on which was the best story, the best solution, even the best title. Then what? I'm stuck on that part of the deal.

Don't really want to get into the whole thing of giving prizes, this Challenge is all about fun and creativity. But fellow blogger and writer, Sue H came up with a great idea: the 'prize' can be something cool to post on your blog's sidebar. I'll design and illustrate an actual prize badge, scan it, and the 'winner' can place it on his or her blog for as long as they like. How's that? Sue even suggested we make this a yearly thing, with a different theme each year. I kind of like the idea. So I'm thinking it over.

I just thought it might be fun, not to mention, intriguing, to have several brains focused on what is, admittedly, a very mysterious incident and see what each of us makes of it. At the end of the day, we'll each have written a good story to add to our writing portfolios.

If any of you are interested in this idea, please post your comments, yay or nay, and we can take it from there. If you think I'm merely spinning my wheels or off my nut, you're welcome to say that as well - but nicely.

Note: I believe the photo at the top of this post is one of the actual apartment. Is that a stuffed emu or an ostrich? Are you kidding me? This place is a treasure trove for the imagination. There are definitely stories here just waiting (for 70 years), begging, to be told.


  1. Lovely idea! Count me in too.

  2. Ryan, Nicolas: Great! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with! I'll cement the details with your input. Feb. 14th sounds a good deadline. (yes? no?) 1500 words or less is a good size. (yes? no?) I'll have to work on a 'button' or 'badge' to put on the blogs. Since I'm not exactly a computer-maven, it will not be razzle-dazzle. Ha. This is going to be fun!

  3. Another thing: just to be on the safe legal side, none of the actual real names should be used. But I bet you already knew that. :)

  4. sounds like a great idea!!! will be looking forward to reading the short stories and I may eve write one!!! bet that surprised you Yvette!!! Have a great day!! enjoyed talking to you and Rocky!!

  5. I'm happy with 1,500 words by February 14th...

  6. Excellent. I hope you'll be able to post the badge on your blog, Nicolas. It will help spread the word. :)

  7. Judy, I WISH you would join us. :)

  8. I think the details sound fine. I'll try to get the badge posted on my blog early next week.

  9. Thanks Ryan. I hope we can get a few more bloggers involved. I think this is going to be fun.

  10. I must have missed this first time round, Yvette!

    Of course I'll pen a wee story - may even blog this challenge, drum up some more trade (if that's OK with you?)

    As to a 'prize' - perhaps you could come up with a fancy 'blog award' that the winner can proudly display on their blog forever! It could become a coveted status symbol! Maybe it could be a regular thing - once a year, perhaps..... "The (insert title) Annual Literary Award"

    Anyway, my mind is already off exploring a possibly storyline......... ;-)

  11. Sue, I LOVE the idea of a permanent blog Award. I can design it and have it scanned and that's the PRIZE! Love it! Okay, it's now OFFICIAL. Thanks for the idea! AND I love the idea of a yearly thing. I'm so glad you've decided to join in. I was just waiting to hear from you and when I didn't, I figured you might have missed the post. THIS is right up your alley.

    Oh please go ahead and put the badge on your blog or however else you want to DRUM UP SOME TRADE. The more the merrier. :)

  12. Ooh I am interested! Can't believe I missed this story, I usually love things like this!

    (thanks to SueH [aka "mum" ;p] for linking me here!)

    I am so excited! xx

  13. Welcome aboard, Rachel. Thanks for dropping by. We'll be looking forward to your story. Any questions, feel free to email me. :)

  14. Now, don't any of you corrupt my child!!!! :-P

  15. HA!!! No, no corruption allowed. :) This Challenge is going to be such fun.

  16. Hi Yvette.

    I am probably in, but due to health problems I am not always as reliable as I could wish. Great idea, though.

    NB: if you don´t feel up to making it into a competition, flash challenges are fun even though you can´t win anything. Participating is what it´s about for me.

    Dorte, DJs krimiblog, Denmark.

  17. Welcome, Dorte. Pleased to have you join in! It doesn't HAVE to be 1500 words. You can do as little as you want. 1500 is the outside perimeter. Do what you can as your health permits. It's all about the participation for me as well. And the fun. :)


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