
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October Spirit

I found this evocative October mosaic on google but can't find (or forgot to make note of) the copyright designation. At any rate, I just thought this too beautiful not to share. We are having one of those perfectly splendid Autumns which always seem to pass too quickly. Perhaps this is our reward for tolerating an awful summer of ghastly heat. Mother Nature's checks and balances. I like to think so.


  1. Yvette - I always think how pretty your blog looks! Thankyou for brightening my day :-)

  2. Thanks so much, Sue. You've made my day. ;)

  3. Oh I like the butterfly! It's so pretty. I obviously dropped the ball on commenting on your blog. I think I meant to read one of you other posts of recommendations for october and I stepped away from my computer and didn't go back. What is the matter with my brain this month?!! :D

  4. Hi Carin, well, you know, you don't HAVE to comment on my blog, but I do appreciate it very much when you do. There's no pressure - HA!


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