
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy Birthday, Matthew Pearl

It's author Matthew Pearl's birthday. Now is a good time to acquaint or reacquaint yourself with Pearl's brilliant historical mysteries. Thanks to the Murder, Mayhem and Mystery blog for the heads-up.

I've read Pearl's first novel THE DANTE CLUB and his third, THE LAST DICKENS, and can recommend them both. Don't know how I overlooked THE POE SHADOW, but that's easy enough to remedy.

Matthew Pearl is a stickler for historical detail and ambience, his moody writing style very much reminds me of Caleb Carr though, of course, Pearl goes his own unique way. If you love fine writing and the colorful richness of American history in the late 19th century, you will love these mysteries.


  1. Hey, I noticed art as one of your interests, I started a new art blog maybe u'll like it! Thanks and keep up great work.

  2. Checked out your blog and liked it very much. Thanks for posting.

  3. You know, I've had The Dante Club sitting on my shelf since it first came out -- not sure why I haven't read it yet! I'm also interested to pick up the one on Edgar Allen Poe, because who isn't fascinated by the dark life of Poe! Thanks for reminding me that I need to pick this up!

  4. Coffee and a Book Chick:
    The Dante Club is excellent. If you like moody historical fiction, you will love this. It is written in the style of the time which adds to the 'feel' of what's going on. Thanks again for posting.:)


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