
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bouchercon By the Bay!

Where will you find the grandest gathering of mystery/thriller lovers, readers and authors this weekend? Well, San Francisco, of course. At BOUCHERCON BY THE BAY! Read all about it! This year's official mystery love-fest promises to be the best ever! Almost every mystery/thriller author under the sun is going to be there, not to mention, tons of my mystery-loving friends. A veritable extravaganza of thrills and chills!

Needless to say, I am ferklempt (yes, I know it's spelled with a v but I prefer my spelling), stricken to the heart, that I can't be there to join in the fun. Can you imagine milling around, drinking and carousing with the mystery/thriller writing elite? Well, maybe not actually carousing, but close enough as makes no difference. All dancing, all singing, all mystery!

I exaggerate, but you get the idea.
It's going to be THE weekend of the year and I'm missing it.

Oh well, there's always next year in St. Louis.


  1. Are you planning on going to St. Louis next year? That would be a really fun trip! I wish you had been able to go to the one in the Bay Area this year!

  2. I'd love to go next year, but I think I'm going to wait until they show in Albany, NY. That's a couple of years away. They're also doing one in Cleveland, Ohio and I have friends in Ohio, so who knows? It is a GREAT convention. I've been to one before in Las Vegas, and it was a real hoot! TONS of authors and fans and writing panels. I met so many fun people. Most mystery writets, for whatever reason, are terrific and have GREAT senses of humor.


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