
Monday, September 27, 2010

Time Travel Challenge

As you can see, by the cute button on my right sidebar, I am joining Alyce's Time Travel Challenge over at her terrific blog. Slowly but surely, I am getting the hang of this new blog life of mine.

TIME TRAVELERS NEVER DIE by Jack McDevitt is my first and only review so far, as part of the Challenge. Although, by sheer coincidence I have already read the following time travel books this year.

Those unreviewed books are:

BLACKOUT by Connie Willis (I plan on reviewing this alongside its sequel ALL CLEAR which is due out sometime next month. These are Willis's newest books in years. Well worth the wait, so far.)

TO SAY NOTHING OF THE DOG by Connie Willis (A favorite of mine. Read it again for the second time this year. It just gets better and better.)

TIME AND AGAIN by Jack Finney (A time travel classic.)

A SHORTCUT IN TIME by Charles Dickinson (A quirky take on time travel, very different from the other books listed.)

Haven't decided yet what I'm going to read, going forward, for my Time Travel Challenge, besides the Connie Willis books and yes, I know TIME is running short. The year is coming to an end. The pressure's on!


  1. Oh Connie Willis. I have seen her name pop up SO many times this year that I really need to read something by her. I'm a little sad that I've missed out on her until now. When does the challenge end? In December? Good luck!

  2. Naturally occurring time machines exist and people do use them to travel back to the 21st century, but – an idea taken seriously by many theoretical physicists – our universe is just one of an infinite number of parallel universes.

  3. Hi Carin, oh I can't urge you TOO strongly to read Connie Willis. I recommend PASSAGE and DOOMSDAY BOOK to get you started. Willis is a great writer! She has two new books out this year:BLACKOUT and ALL CLEAR. I loved BLACKOUT and will be reading its sequel, ALL CLEAR very soon.

  4. Northern Cyprus Flights: I wonder if you aren't right. Thanks for posting. ;)


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