
Friday, September 10, 2010

Sharing the Anger

Author S.J. Rozan interrupted her blog to let off steam about certain crazy-making, brain-busting news events happening or about to happen in NYC and Florida and I was so moved by her outrage, her straight-from-the-gut post that I wanted to share it. I love S.J. Rozan's work. Her last book in the Lydia Chin/Bill Smith series, Shanghai Moon was nothing short of brilliant and I can't wait to read her new book in the series, On the Line. Having said that, I must also say that I rarely pay attention to an author's politics. (Although if an author came out in favor of Sarah Palin's policies, I'd have to, very seriously, question their brainpower and motivation.)

S.J. is worried about the human condition as am I, she's also worried about what's happening in downtown Manhattan, as am I. She's worried, too, about the kind of world this is shaping up to be. As we all should be.

Here's the link to A.J. Rozan's blog.

No, I am not turning this into a political blog in any way, shape or form, but you know, once in awhile, you gotta' look up, look around and pay attention. Especially on the eve of the anniversary of one of the most momentous and heartbreaking days in our history.


  1. I went off about the idiot in Flordia the other day on my blog as well. I don't like mixing politcis on my blog but I couldn't help myself. No book should be burned let alone a book that over a billion people view as holy. If you want, you can read my rant here.

  2. I agree with your post 100 percent, Ryan.


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