
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More Library Loot

This is actually loot from my second trip to the library late last week. (Had to rush down there or risk my 'reserves' being shipped back.) Since I'm still reading stuff from the previous week's library trip (not to mention a few used books I picked up online), I am rapidly falling behind. Same old/same old. Since I'm mostly retired, not so much intentionally as by circumstance, I generally have plenty of time to read, but still, even I have a life to lead away from books. I have a granddaughter to keep an eye on. (Seeing her tonight!) And I plan on getting back to painting and setting up my art blog any day now.

Anyway, back to library loot:

After waiting several weeks, my copy of The Passage by Justin Cronin arrived at the library. But jeez, it looks like a heck of a long rode. I hope I'm up to it. I'm not such a fan of vampire books, I hope the subject matter doesn't wear me out. But this book's been so HIGHLY recommended by friends whose taste I respect, we'll see.

Murder At Mansfield Park by Lynn Shepherd sounds a treat for someone like me, a real Jane Austen fan from way back. I'm not crazy about all the Austen pastiches out there (please, no zombies need apply), but this one sounds intriguing. All I ask is that it be well written with a bit of imagination and style.

No Trace by Barry Maitland. This police procedural (I'm fond of police procedurals) was recommended by Roberta at her blog, Books To the Ceiling, among a list of other interesting books and authors for the Fall. I thought I'd give Maitland a look.

What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell. Essays by Gladwell sound like a very good thing. I've read two of his previous books, The Tipping Point and Outliers. I think he's a brilliant observer and researcher, not to mention, a terrific writer.

Commuters by Emily Gray Tedrowe. Can't remember who, originally, recommended this, but it sounds good. Besides, I always like to take a look at debut novels. You never know when you're going to find yourself at the dawn of a great new writer. I'm not, normally, a reader of 'family' novels unless they're enormously well written, like The Hills At Home by Nancy Clark, but if something about it sounds interesting, I'll bite.

The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. What can I say? I've never read Atwood, never felt any need to. But Nancy Pearl recommends this very, VERY highly. So I am powerless to resist.

We'll see what happens.

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