
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Not much to say except that, no matter where you are today and tomorrow, I hope it's a good weekend for you. I had dinner out last night with family and friends and had a wonderful time.

I don't know about you, but I happen to love restaurant food. Well, great restaurant food, anyway. I always say if I ever win the Super-Duper Lottery, I'm eating out every night. (Or, at the very least, hiring a cook.) Good food, a couple of glasses of good wine, family, friends and oh yes, my beautiful granddaughter who slept through the whole thing - noisy restaurant chatter seems to work like white noise for her little baby ears, didn't faze her one bit. Life is good.

Rocky (my chihuahua) was miffed he wasn't included and gave me that gimlet eye he uses on special occasions. He doesn't understand why restaurants don't allow his type through their hallowed doors.(Come to think of it, I don't understand it either.) He reminds me that if we lived in France, he'd be sitting next to me, sampling the food with no problems. And by the way, why don't we move to France? I made believe I didn't hear him.

It's another gorgeous day here, for a change. (The second in a row - are we in for a trend?) The weather couldn't be more agreeable or accommodating. Have a great weekend everyone!


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