
Friday, March 2, 2018

Friday Forgotten (or Overlooked) Books: HOODS IN HATS (not to mention HEROES)

Yeah, I know, heroes wore the hats as well. But 'Hoods in Hats' sounds better as a title. Ha. Also I am obviously going for a specific sort of hat - variations on a fedora. Wish I could find out who the illustrators were, but to no avail.

I've read only two of the books but they were doozies:

1) FROM LONDON FAR by Michael Innes. This is an even more fantastical satire than normal (for Innes). It's all about an innocent professor who stumbles into the middle of an evil genius' preposterous plot and we get to go along for the ride. I LOVED it.

2) THE SILENT SPEAKER by Rex Stout. My second favorite Nero Wolfe book so that says it all. A room full of industry people at the Waldorf Astoria wait for a speech that will never be given. The main speaker has been murdered while preparing his notes but nobody sees or hears anything. A brilliant book in which Stout's use of characterization is vital to the outcome.

Some of us may remember the Saturday Serials of long ago when both the hero and the hoods kept their hats on NO MATTER WHAT. Even while in the midst of rock'em-sock'em fights, the hats stayed put. And EVERYONE (well, the men) wore suits - ALL the time. Even the bad guys seemed to follow certain fashion parameters which no one dared break. I often wondered too how all those dark suits never had got any lint or threads or dandruff or anything stuck to 'em. Even while fighting atop a moving train (which was a favorite) the suits stayed sartorially perfect. Or at least, that's how I remember 'em.

Ah, the good old days.

Since it's Friday, don't forget to check in at author Patricia Abbott's blog, Pattinase, to see what other forgotten or overlooked books other bloggers are talking about today.


  1. i've even noticed that in some late movies, fisticuffs don't result in dirty clothes... surprising... i must reread M. Innes: his works are some of the best i've read, ever... and i don't think they sell hats like that anymore... i remember finding one in a charity store once, tho... intriguing post, tx....

    1. You can order these sorts of hats online, but I'm not sure you can walk into a store and buy one. Unless maybe in Europe. I love Michael Innes though I know he's an acquired taste. Glad you like him too, Mudpuddle. Nowadays, I think we're in the minority. :)

  2. FROM LONDON FAR sounds very good. I will have to seek it out. THE SILENT SPEAKER is my favorite Nero Wolfe book, and I plan to reread it sometime this year.

    And as far as the covers, they are lovely. I don't think I have seen any of those covers.

    1. I love the covers too, Tracy. Oh, FROM LONDON FAR is a very bizarre book, but OH, so much fun as it gets dizzier and dizzier. THE SILENT SPEAKER is second - for me - only to MIGHT AS WELL BE DEAD which is my own very favorite Wolfe book. I reread THE SILENT SPEAKER recently - still just as good. It took me a while to see the wonderfulness of this particular book, but now I love it.

  3. Great hats, great covers! Did you know JFK set the hatless trend when he became prez? My dad still wore his, but they were no longer fashionable.

    1. Yep. Knew that, Mathew. I also think he was the very last president to wear (even if only for a very brief time) a top hat.

    2. For his inauguration, I believe.

  4. Love the covers. How foolish I was when I moved to expect to be able to find the older books again when I wanted to read them..I gave them away. I just put the Silent Speaker on my library list. I think my favorite Wolfe is The Doorbell Rang. Love Innes...I did keep some of those!

    1. I gave away a bunch of books too, when I moved. But never my Rex Stout stuff. TOO hard to come by although I can't understand why they are not being re-printed in new editions. I did give away a bunch of books that I now regret not having, but you can't keep EVERYTHING. Ha.

  5. Oops - I've got to count the Black Mountain in my top three.....

  6. I seldom have much that's good to say about Philadelphia, the city I just left, but they have a hat store there, Hats in the Belfry, where you can buy hats like that. A store devoted to hats. In fact, So there you go!

    1. Yeah, what's up with Pennsylvania? HATS IN THE BELFRY, love that name. :) If I ever want to purchase a gangster hat, I'll know just where to go. :)


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