
Friday, October 6, 2017

A Show of Hands

Didn't much feel like writing about any one book this week, so I'm doing pictures. I've posted book cover themes before (and will continue to do so) primarily because I do enjoy looking at covers from the golden age of mystery even if I've not always read the book. I wish it were easier to find out who the various illustrators were. At any rate, I believe these books qualify for our Forgotten or Overlooked Books weekly meme.

And since it's Friday, time to check in at author Patricia Abbott's blog, Pattinase, to see what other forgotten or overlooked books other bloggers are talking about today.


  1. Yvette, I'm always on the lookout for illustrated covers that adorn paperbacks from mid to late 20th century, though I don't get them easily. Some of the modern-day digital covers put me off reading those books.

    1. I know what you mean, Prashant. Modern day covers don't compare with the vintage good stuff. I get thrown off a book by a bad cover too - especially digital covers which I mostly abhor.

  2. Nice! I really like MOVING FINGER and DA CALLS IT MURDER but well done for putting these together!

    1. Thanks, Sergio. It was fun. I needed some fun this week.

  3. Thanks, I love those old covers and actually had a couple of them. I wish I had kept those books.

    1. Don't we all. :) Actually I have many old paperbacks (but not, amazingly enough, any of these) and I'm more careful how I treat them now. I gave away a bunch when I moved, but the ones I kept mean even more to me. I have a special bookcase in my bedroom which holds nothing but paperbacks. And as I learn about authors I skipped the first time around, I'm adding more and more to my collection. Soon I'm going to run out of room again. :)

  4. Hands down, this was a fascinating post!

    1. Thanks, Joan. I love doing these though I always feel as if I'm being lazy. Ha.

  5. That was fun. There's something very comforting about murder mystery paperbacks.

    1. Oh I'm so glad you get that, Pat. That is EXACTLY how I feel. :)

  6. wonderful covers, including several that i'd never heard of... tx for showing them...
    PS: i hope you don't have to move every time you run out of space for books!!

    1. Ha! No, I give away some books - those that I know I won't be rereading. Still, I have to be creative finding space for the books I want to keep. That can be part of the fun. Keep in mind that when I moved down here from NJ, I gave away about a third of my library. But now I'm well on the way to making up for that. HA!

  7. The One that Got Away will give me nightmares, Yvette. Love these covers!

    1. Yeah, that's a gruesome one. :) I love them too, Mathew.

  8. What a perfect theme, hands on vintage book covers. I have seen some of these but most are new to me.

    1. I love doing cover theme posts, Tracy. Always looking for an excuse to do another one. I got the idea for hands when you posted that Erle Stanley Gardner cover, The Case of the Rolling Bones. :)

  9. Yvette – You deserve a big hand for this fun post. Yes, we all needed something fun after this week. Now a question – What is wrong with the man’s hand on the cover of SPARKLING CYANIDE? That is his right hand. But, if he is sitting next to the woman, shouldn’t that be his left hand? I suppose he could be reaching across with his right to grab the glass.

    1. Thanks, Elgin. As for the hand issue - Well, if he's right handed he would maybe reach across automatically? Have to admit, I hadn't noticed. Ha.

  10. What a clever fun post! Great covers, too.

    1. Thanks, Rick. :) There's just something about these old movies. Well, I don't have to tell you that. Ha.

  11. It is exciting to me how many older authors I haven't yet read!! Just now I am on a Bobby Owen kick by E.R. Punshon.

    1. Me too, Nan. I've recently discovered quite a few including the one I'll be talking about this coming week. :) I've read a couple of the Bobby Owen books and liked them too.

  12. These covers are too much; actually, some are making me laugh.

    I remember seeing covers like this while a teenager.

    I could live without the title "Wives to Burn"!

    There is a dearth of creativity with many covers these days, but would people buy books with the eerie covers these days?

  13. I wish they'd bring back this sort of cover too, Kathy. They're eye-catching and fun.


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