
Monday, January 23, 2017

Today in America

Don't normally talk politics here and I don't intend to begin in any major way. But I had to say something and this brilliant take by Tim O'Brien on the alternate reality we seem to be living in - says it all.


  1. Yvette,

    I understand for I too am struggling to keep politics off my blog.

    1. Fred if I didn't have my Facebook page to vent, I'd probably explode. :)

  2. Replies
    1. I thought so too. Actually, I wish I'd thought of it myself. :)

  3. ha! like it a lot... truth is stranger than fiction?

  4. We have big concerns over here too.

    1. I'll bet you do, Rosemary. There is apparently a right wing tilt to the world right now and who knows what will happen once we decide to tilt it back.

  5. Great cake. Perfect for Monday and thereafter. We or they are in an alternate universe.
    I'm not happy about what's going on and now with these executive orders weakening the Affordable Care Act, and I hear he's going to go after domestic violence hotlines, etc.
    I am very glad women marched all over the U.S. on Saturday, and in several countries. Women are angry!
    Glad you have Facebook on which to vent. I do it in emails and on blogs, and I watch The View every day and agree with much of what is said, but I worry some of the co-hosts will get seriously ill from the stress of all this.

    1. Before this is over, lots of people will be seriously ill from the stress of all this, Kathy. There is a lot of despair out there. My feeling is that you need to vent, to clear the air, to speak with like-minded people and maybe have a few laughs. That's what I've been doing. I also made signs for the march here in Charlotte, though I couldn't attend. I'm not physically able to walk for long distances anymore, but I was there in spirit.

  6. Neat and it gave me a bit of a smile on this gray, sleety, snowy, drizzly morning. Thanks

    1. You're most welcome, Gram. :) We all need a bit of cheering up now and then.

  7. I very much enjoy your blog and I also very much appreciate your keeping politics off of it. I get enough politics elsewhere. Your blog is a nice relief from it.

    1. Glad you're liking my blog, Fran. I do my best to stay on track.

  8. You made a contribution to the march in Charlotte. That's what matters.
    I did a few things, had my own sign about health care and had the right clothes for the weather ready, but then I wasn't up to going.
    A friend told me the streets were so packed, no one could move for hours.

    A good thing. Hundreds of thousands here. And all over the country and in so many countries, too. Love to see this. It's the only way to overcome despair and fear -- activism. Even if it's emails and phone calls, making signs, doing whatever one can.

    I'll send you international photos if you haven't seen them. Just let me know. I sent them to a blogger in Adelaide, Australia, and she told me she went to the protest there.

    Now I see the first step to dismantle the ACA and I'm sick. Now the wall from taxpayers money if that happens, but there's no money for Medicaid, etc.

    And the whole cabinet, etc., are each worse than the other.

    I must need a chocolate and good book fix. I even watched a ditzy movie with Shirley MacLaine and Jessica Lange and it pulled me out of the doldrums.

    1. Old movies and good books - they help. For sure. Yes, whatever we can do even if it's only calling or emailing can help. I've seen the photos, Kathy. Thank you. They're all over Facebook - world-wide. SO thrilling. And no violence. A wonderful day.

  9. Yvette,

    I'm tempted to set up a new blog that will allow me to vent.

    1. Why don't you come on over to Facebook, Fred. That's where I go to vent. Don't know what I'd do without it at the moment. If you begin a political blog, you will get the crazies out in force. But you can always edit them out. Twitter is good too - I follow a lot of the reporters and check in once in a while.

    2. YVette,

      I was, at one time, but lost interest in it. I was on Twitter also for a while, but my dissatisfaction with both is what encouraged me to try a blog, and that was closer to what I was looking for.

    3. I hardly use twitter, but I find it interesting sometimes to check out reporter's tweets especially when there's something HUGE going on. (As in lately.)

      Facebook is an acquired taste, but for now, its suits me and my need to vent.

  10. Very clever, Yvette. I didn't sit it at first. So this is how the Oxford Dictionary's word of the year "Post-Truth" looks like.

    1. That's it, Prashant. 'Post-Truth' for the kiddies. :)

  11. "Post-truth" and "alternative facts"! These people even have their own language.

    But another good day after a horrible anti-immigrant order by the White House. People protesting at JFK, O'Hare, LAX and other airports. The cab drivers union in NYC stopped working for an hour.

    Got a judge to issue a stay of the order. It helps many immigrants, but a few are still detained. People's power can make progress. It just has to keep up -- but this was fast.

  12. Who's had time to read this weekend? Glued to TV and Internet news. Am so glad to see people protesting this outrageous "ban" all over the country. Has to keep up.

    1. I'm with you, Kathy. As long as the people rise up and refuse to accept hatred as the new normal, we can survive. Hopefully. And you're right, THEY do have their own language. Disgusting.

  13. Well, saw on the news that bodega owners are closing around NYC on Thursday for several hours to protest the ban.
    Some very sad stories going with this ban of people with visas, students already in college or about to enter, sick people, family members denied entry and some sent back.
    Well, lawyers are doing their jobs and filing lots of lawsuits.

    I could not watch much news today, but I watched a wonderful documentary about "Spies in the Wild," which is about robots which look like animals sent into the wild to videotape what really goes on. Some beautiful moments captured. Some very funny.

    1. I love SPIES IN THE WILD - just read and saw a video on Facebook about this. Want to watch the whole thing. :) Sad days ahead - especially for those people caught up in limbo. This is what happens when ignorance runs amok in America.


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