
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sunday Salon: A Chair is to Sit On

Louis Valtat - via

Andre Lhote - via

Edouard Vuillard - via

Wayne Thiebaud - Man Sitting in Chair - Back View - 1964

Hans Purrmann - via

Michael Steinagle - via

Henri Matisse - via

Thomas Austen Brown - Mademoiselle Plume Rouge 1896 - via

Kim English - Museum Guard - via

When I'm sitting I'm usually reading, but we've already done a reading theme salon (not that I wouldn't mind doing another one of these days). This time out though, I thought I'd do sitting and not reading as a theme.

You'd think someone sitting in a chair would be a static concept, but these paintings by various artists whose styles I love, are anything but.

I do love that bored museum guard by Kim English. Even in his boredom, there's something going on. The nude in the painting looks like she's ready to shake him up.


  1. Dear Yvette - for me the perfect chair painting has to be Carl Larsson's. I first discovered his art when I was a mere child of 12 years old and have loved his work ever since.

    1. Isn't that a fabulous one? I discovered Larsson's work while in high school and still have a book of his paintings that I bought then at the museum.

  2. I've missed these posts. I especially like the Thomas Austen Brown painting.

    1. I've missed doing them, Joan. Yes, that Thomas Austen Brown one has a story to tell.

  3. The paintings by Lhote, Steinagle, and Purrman stand out to me. And, of course, have to like the Matisse. (I think there are more by Matisse of people sitting.)

    Thank you for reinstating the Sunday Salon series. Our art education is back! It's always appreciated.

    1. You're very welcome, Kathy. I'll be doing more of these as the days go by. Glad to get back in the swim.

  4. Great. You seem to be recovering from the burdensome move and back in the swing.

    Hope spring is nice there and you can enjoy nature, along with reading and art and old movies, of course.


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