
Friday, November 13, 2015

A repeat post: Friday's Forgotten Book: REED'S PROMISE by John Clarkson

I've written about REED'S PROMISE before (this is a repeat - more or less - of a post from 2012) and I'll probably write about it again. It is a book that makes other thrillers seem tame by comparison, a fabulous feat of writing by a novelist who I'm still not all that familiar with. (Primarily because he doesn't have a lot of books on the shelves at the library.) He has a spotty publishing history and doesn't turn out books on a regular schedule far as I can tell.

But if you have any affinity for thriller writing at all, make note of John Clarkson's REED'S PROMISE and promise yourself you'll read it. This book continues to be one of the best of its kind, though I suspect there aren't really many of 'its kind' around. It surpassed my expectations going in as it was one of those serendipitous reading events.

The book begins at breakneck speed - we're suddenly thrown into the middle of a motorcycle accident in which the rider, Bill Reed will lose a leg and become an embittered amputee lying in a hospital bed feeling sorry for himself. He is a private eye and ex-FBI agent with a talent for forensic accounting - tracking illegal money back to its original source.

In the middle of bemoaning his fate, Reed receives a note from his cousin Johnny Boy Reed. Johnny Boy has been institutionalized at the Ullmann Institute in upstate NY, since he was a kid. He is severely retarded but able to function enough to put together a note to his private eye cousin asking for help.The note is cryptic enough (a series of numbers and bits of paper glued together), but Bill deduces from it that something is wrong and maybe he should go take a look - if for no other reason then that Johnny Boy is family. Guilt is a great motivator.

With a prosthetic leg in place, and a cane, Bill heads up to the Ullmann Institute.

REED'S PROMISE resonates with a crushing sense of dread from the beginning of Reed's quest to ferret out the truth and perhaps redeem himself in his own eyes.

First of all, Reed is a man minus a leg - can he stand up to physical attack? Can he fight if he has to? Just how strong is he? Can he be undermined by his handicap? All these thoughts ran through my mind as I continued to read.

Also, I didn't want his cousin Johnny Boy - whom we come to know and like - physically harmed in any way. So from the very beginning I was worried and that worry only grew.

When Reed arrives at the Ullmann Institute, and realizes almost right away that something bad is going on, you do wonder whether he will be able to 'fix' things.

Matthew Ullmann and his wife Madeleine run the institute like some sort of fiefdom (and have made themselves rich in the process) and they are, no question about it, a fiendish duo. We know they are the enemy Reed will have to vanquish if he wants to save Johnny Boy - yet it doesn't weaken the suspense angle one bit.

While reading REED'S PROMISE I remember having to stop and take breathing breaks, tension breaks, while I acclimated my emotions and took deep breaths to calm myself. That's how overwhelmed I was by the increasing fear of what would happen to the two main characters. Up until that moment (a few years ago) I'd never read a book in which the 'hero' was an amputee taking on evil all by himself - using his wits, his smarts and yes, his physical abilities to thwart some especially nasty characters.

I don't know how else to say this except that it's own unique way, this is a brilliant book. Clarkson, who is also a screenwriter, has a knack for visual scene creation which adds immeasurably to the suspense. If your library doesn't have REED'S PROMISE, booksellers online do. Get a copy, read it and see if I'm exaggerating.

Unfortunately, the book has two major strikes against it: One: no one ever heard of it. (The publishers were obviously asleep at the switch.) Two: It has a horrible cover. I say: IGNORE the cover! Read the book.

Recently I learned that Clarkson finally had a new book, another stand-alone: AMONG THIEVES. 
I was really looking forward to it. But it was, ultimately, a disappointment. Good suspense but the violence seemed over the top and the characters had few redeeming qualities. I'd say stick with REED'S PROMISE. (It's entirely possible that AMONG THIEVES is a man's book and I was just the wrong audience, being a frail woman.)

Friday's Forgotten Books is the weekly meme hosted by the oh-so-talented author Patricia Abbott at her blog, Pattinase.Lots of forgotten (or overlooked) books mentioned today so don't forget to go take a looksee.


  1. I guess I need to take the hint :) Shall get a copy Yvette, promise :)

    1. You will love it, Sergio. And you'd probably like AMONG THIEVES, primarily because you're a man and secondarily, because you're used to very dark tales full of death and destruction. :)

  2. Yvette, I'm taking your word for it (not that I have any reason to disbelieve you!) and I'll hunt down a copy, and read it. I love a good thriller, particularly one that is unusual. Thanks for the review.

    1. I hope you do find a copy, Prashant. This is a marvelous book and deserves to be much better known. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Maybe you'll stumble across it at one of those marvelous book shops that you frequent.

  3. Will show you all his books, but nothing about him!

    1. Oh yes, I know, Gram. But don't you think that there should be MORE books?

  4. With my first glimpse of the cover I missed the eyes and had the impression the story was about an English manor--a cozy, maybe. Then I read your enticing review and looked back at the cover. I not only saw the eyes, but now that I knew what the book was about they helped with the enticement. I shall seek this one out. Promise!

    1. A fabulous book, Mathew. I hope you find it, I 'promise' you'll like it. :)

  5. This is a new author for me, and the story does sound like it is different and has potential. Definitely doesn't sound cozy and that is a weird cover. I will look for it.

    1. I hope you will find a copy, Tracy. I loved this book. Ignore the cover. :)

    2. Yvette, I was sufficiently impressed by your very enthusiastic review of Reed's Promise that I bought a copy ($3.44 on Amazon).

      I expected the book to be good but I didn't think it could ever live up to your review. I was wrong; it did.

      BTW, I had no problem reading about the violence, the pervasive corruption, or even most of the medical material. The scabies stuff, though...

      Many thanks for the recommendation. Have a great Christmas and New Year.

    3. You're welcome, Steve. I'm so glad you liked the book. Spread the word. And I hope you had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a great New Year as well.


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