
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Saturday Salon: Contemporary painter James Aponovich

James Aponovich is a contemporary American painter born in Nashua, New Hampshire. He still lives and works in New Hampshire, though his work is widely exhibited and is in the collections of several museums. Aponovich is best know for his controlled and wonderfully detailed still life visions. My favorites are what I call his 'balcony' paintings which combine the still life imperative with intriguing glimpses of faraway places.

To learn more about the painter and his work, please check out his blog and also the Clark Gallery page (among several gallery pages) and the blog, Aponovich and Johansson at Home and Away.


  1. Dear Yvette,

    I've been an admirer of James Aponovich's work for a long time. I too am particularly taken by his combined still lifes and landscapes, which remind me so much of Renaissance paintings. Thanks for brightening up my weekend!

    1. Your're welcome, Mark. And need I add that one of your mural panels reminded me of Aponovich and so I went looking for his work a few weeks ago. I love how he explains his painting technique on his blog and isn't afraid to post his paintings and talk about them. Some artists do but most do not. Well, maybe they don't have the time. Some of these guys (and gals) are solitary folk when it comes to their work.

  2. Amazing. They're like combinations of Dali, Italian Renaissance paintings, and classic Dutch paintings. What a style!

    1. Yes, exactly, Joan. A very specialized vision. I'd say an European vision even if he lives and works in New Hampshire.

  3. Charming Yvette - great choice, thanks. Took me a bit too long to realise you were linking to his blog (for some reason it doesn't come out as a blue link on my browser) - thanks as always chum,.

    1. You're welcome, Sergio. Sorry you had trouble with the link it's showing up okay on my blog. Glad you enjoyed Aponovich's incredible work.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. No problem, no hurt feelints, Richard. Not every one can like every piece of art ever created no matter their education (I don't have an art degree so maybe that speaks volumes for my particular tastes.) At any rate, if we can agree at least 75% of the time, I'll feel like I'm batting a hundred. I'm no math wizard either. :)

  5. Yvette, it's hard to believe these are paintings on canvas. They are so alive!

    1. They jump off the canvas. We agree, Prashant. They're almost trompe l'oeil but not quite.

  6. The colors in this artist's painting are superb. I don't know why, but the first painting of the pears with the scarf underneath just draws me in -- those oranges are hypnotizing. I would love to have that one!

    1. I wouldn't mind having any of these, Becky. Wish I could afford one. :)


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