
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Just a REMINDER, that the FLASH-FICTION CHALLENGE day of reckoning is this coming SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th.

Therefore I'm taking the week off to concentrate on my story which still needs to be thought of and written. I've always been a last minute sort of gal.

The following is a link to my original post outlining the rules and for viewing of the three illustrations which have, hopefully, already sparked an idea or if you're like me, will, hopefully, spark an idea in the next day or two .

If you don't have a blog, please send your story along to me in an email and I'll see about posting it.

Even if there are only three or four of us, I'm very much looking forward to reading your stories.


  1. Yvette, I'd almost forgotten about your flash fiction challenge and remembered it hours before I read your reminder post. The gun has gone off and I'm still on the starting line. Well, here I come...

  2. Well then I'm glad I posted this reminder, Prashant. :) Let's get to writing. No more excuses.

  3. Yvette, I have already posted my story for FFC as I might not be around my computer over the weekend. Writing the story was painful but a lot of fun. Thanks for hosting the challenge.

    1. I won't post it until tomorrow when it's 'official', Prashant. Still working on mine so haven't a moment to spare. :)

  4. I've got mine scheduled for tomorrow. I worked right up to the deadline too. :)

    1. Oh, excellent, Elisabeth. I didn't know you were joining us. Fabulous!


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