
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday Forgotten (or Overlooked) Film: Tom Conway as The Falcon

Apropos of nothing much (except that I'm very fond of Tom Conway (1904 - 1967), I'm declaring today Tom Conway Day primarily because I ran across two terrific blog posts lauding the Falcon movies in which he starred.

Back at the dawn of time when I had cable (and even before then on good old, plain old, television Channels 11 and 5 and 9 - New York) I was always on the look-out for Falcon movies, most especially those with Tom Conway as the star. Though the series began with the more famous George Sanders in the lead, it's really Tom (Sanders' real-life brother, playing the Falcon's film brother) who made the role his own.

There's no topping Conway's insouciant screen presence as the charmingly witty, wily, happy go lucky solver of mysteries, catcher of criminals and chaser of dames. Sanders apparently found it all a dead bore, but Conway didn't. It shows.

Check out The Nitrate Diva's post on The Falcon series here.

And Classic Movie Guys' Falcon post here.

Both are terrific.

Also, don't forget to look in at Todd Mason's blog, Sweet Freedom to see what other Forgotten (or Overlooked) Films and/or Television, other bloggers are talking about today. We're a lively bunch.


  1. Yvette, I love both George Sanders and his equally suave, talented brother Tom Conway, and Tom really made The Falcon series his own! I'll check outThe Nitrate Diva and Classic Movie Guys for sure! :-D

    1. We're in agreement, m'dear. I'm sure you'll like those blogs, Dorian. Plenty of movie stuff. But remember how slimy Conway was in CAT PEOPLE? He could do both with ease. :)

    2. I'll always remember him for his condescending, opportunistic lecher in CAT PEOPLE, indeed.

  2. Yvette,

    I don't remember ever seeing any of the Falcon films. I started watching the Charlie Chan films--mostly fun but with a some irritating features. Maybe I'll take a look around for a Falcon film.

    1. Oh well, that's something you'll be able to adjust soon, Fred. Look online, you can find The Falcon here and there. They really are fun films. You'll like them I'm sure. :)

  3. Those films are great fun - in fact I was watching FALCON'S BROTHER and FALCON STRIKES BACK just this weekend - you really are a woman of taste Yvette!

  4. Well, radio and other media, and such things as conventions and live theater are also under the purview of the weekly roundelay, hence "Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V"...though film, and telefilm, is the usual majority of the citations...thanks for continuing to contribute and the plug, Yvette!

    1. And, of course, THE FALCON was a staple of radio...don't think the brothers were involved, alas...(Todd Mason, too lazy at the moment to logout from his housemate Alice's Google account)

    2. I think Tom Conway did work on some of the radio shows at some point. Not sure though. I remember - very vaguely - reading something or other at some place or other...

    3. Oh, and sorry about leaving out the full title of your meme, Todd, but it's SO LONG. I'll try and do better. I always plug you. :)

  5. I must see if my library has these films. Charlie Chan I have problems with, no need to repeat.

    But I would like to see the Falcon films. I don't remember them, and as a woman of a certain age -- and this last birthday sent me into shock -- I don't remember them. But I'm checking the library's catalogue now.

    I think I'll have to get Netflix soon.

    1. Netflix doesn't have The Falcon, Kathy. In fact, Netflix is sadly lacking in the old 'classics'. They have a few, but most are forgettable. Though I must say that COTTAGE TO LET was the rare exception. Fabulous oldie.

  6. Yvette, although I'm not familiar with Tom Conway, you've pricked my curiosity about the Falcon series with those great posters. I hope YouTube has some of them.

    1. You might find a couple on youtube, but they've pretty much disappeared. Though as I say, you MIGHT find a couple. Good luck and HURRY! :)

  7. I love the posters! I'm also a big fan of The Falcon series. My favorite is easily THE FALCON AND THE CO-EDS, an atmospheric mystery set at a girls' with a rocky (and dangerous) beach.

    1. Ooooh, that rings no bells with me, Rick. I must see if I can find a copy. I'm just in that sort of mood. :)

  8. I have never seen one of these movies. I feel as if I'm missing out on something pretty cool.

    1. You are, m'dear, you are. Time to start looking around for them. Unfortunately they are not readily available. But maybe you might stumble across one or two on cable. :)


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