
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Books Read in 2013 - My Pages 'gadget' seems to have disappeared from the left sideboard and no power on earth is apparently capable of bringing it back...

However (and thank goodness) the 'Pages' thingy is still visible to me behind the scenes here at blog-land central, so I'm posting the books list separately as its own post. (I use the Page thingy to keep track of books read during the current year.) More info than you wanted to know - right? I can't figure it out either. Google Chrome has a lot to answer for.

Okay, here are the books read by yours truly in 2013 (I really seem to be slowing down reading-wise):

1) LULLABY (2012) A Spenser Book by Ace Atkins - Reviewed

2) A GARMENT OF SHADOWS (2012) by Laurie R. King - a Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell novel

3) A CIVIL CONTRACT (1961) by Georgette Heyer - Reviewed - Vintage Regency

4) THE CONVENIENT MARRIAGE (1966) by Georgette Heyer - Vintage Regency

5) LADY OF QUALITY (1972) by Georgette Heyer - Vintage Regency

6) BLACK SHEEP (1966) by Georgette Heyer - Vintage Regency

7) COTILLION (1953) by Georgette Heyer - Reviewed - Vintage Regency

8) BREAKFAST AT MADELINE'S (1999) by Mark Witten - Reviewed

9) FRIDAY'S CHILD by Georgette Heyer - Reviewed - Vintage Regency

10 ) ARABELLA by Georgette Heyer - Reviewed - Vintage Regency

11) SUSPECT by Robert Crais

12) ALPHABET HICKS by Rex Stout - Reviewed - Vintage

13) THE QUIET GENTLEMAN by Georgette Heyer - Vintage Regency

14) BURGLARS IN BUCKS by G.D.H. and M. Cole - Vintage

15) THE PANTHER by Nelson DeMille

16) A FISTFUL OF COLLARS by Spencer Quinn

17) THE CORINTHIAN by Georgette Heyer - Vintage Regency - Re-read

18) DEVIL'S CUB by Georgette Heyer - Vintage 18th century

19) A WANTED MAN by Lee Child

20) POISON FLOWER by Thomas Perry - a Jane Whitefield novel

21) THE HANGING WOOD by Martin Edwards

22) THE ROMAN HAT MYSTERY (1929) by Ellery Queen - Reviewed - Vintage

23) HEADS YOU LOSE (1942) by Christianna Brand - Vintage

24) THE DOUBLE WAGER by Mary Balogh - Regency Romance re-read

25) SNOW ANGEL by Mary Balogh - Regency Romance re-read

26) THE FRENCH POWDER MYSTERY (1930) by Ellery Queen - Reviewed - Vintage

27) THE SIAMESE TWIN MYSTERY (1933) by Ellery Queen - Vintage

28) THE FOUNDLING by Georgette Heyer - Vintage Regency

29) THE CHINESE ORANGE MYSTERY (1934) by Ellery Queen - Vintage - Reviewed

30) THERE WAS AN OLD WOMAN (1943) by Ellery Queen - Vintage - Reviewed

31) THE MAURITIUS COMMAND (1977) by Patrick O'Brian

32) CLUTCH OF CONSTABLES (1969) by Ngaio Marsh - Vintage - Reread

33) SPINSTERS IN JEOPARDY (1954) by Ngaio Marsh - Vintage - Reread - Reviewed

34) WHEN IN ROME (1971) by Ngaio Marsh - Vintage - Reread - Reviewed

35) VENETIA (1958) by Georgette Heyer - Vintage Regency


37) TONGUES OF SERPENTS by Naomi Novik - a Temeraire novel

38) CRUCIBLE OF GOLD by Naomi Novik - a Temeraire novel

39) EMMA WATSON Jane Austen's Unfinished Novel Completed (1996) by Joan Aiken

40) THE RETURN OF CAPTAIN JOHN EMMETT by Elizabeth Speller - Reviewed

41) MIDNIGHT IS A PLACE (1974) by Joan Aiken - Reviewed

42) SPEAKING FROM AMONG THE BONES by Alan Bradley - Reviewed - a Flavia de Luce novel

43) CIRCLE OF SHADOWS by Imogen Robertson - Reviewed

44) BLOOD OF TYRANTS by Naomi Novik - a Temeraire novel

45) THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR by Daniel Silva

46) MIDNIGHT AT MARBLE ARCH by Anne Perry - Reviewed - a Thomas and Charlotte Pitt novel

47) LET IT BURN by Steve Hamilton - an Alex McKnight novel

48) THE ADVENTURERS by Michelle Martin - Regency Reread

49) THE BLACK COUNTRY by Alex Grecian

50) DESOLATION ISLAND by Patrick O'Brian

51) A SUNLESS SEA by Anne Perry - a William Monk novel

52) THE FORTUNE OF WAR by Patrick O'Brian

53) NEVER GO BACK by Lee Child

54) THE MAN IN THE TRICORN HAT by Delano Ames - Vintage

55) CORPSE DIPLOMATIQUE by Delano Ames - Vintage

56) THE BONE LADY Life as a Forensic Anthropologist by Mary H. Manheim - Non-fiction

57) EVENING IN THE PALACE OF REASON Bach and Frederick the Great in the Age of Enlightenment by James R. Gaines - Historical Non-fiction

58) MURDER ON THE BLACKBOARD by Stuart Palmer - Vintage

59) FOR OLD CRIME'S SAKE by Delano Ames - Vintage

60) THE KEEPER OF LOST CAUSES by Jussi Adler-Olsen

61) THE ABSENT ONE by Jussi Adler-Olsen

62) MURDER, MAESTRO, PLEASE by Delano Ames - Vintage

63) LITERALLY DEAD by James Conroy

64) BAKER STREET TRANSLATION by Michael Robertson

65) CATHERINE THE GREAT by Robert K. Massie - Biography - Historical Non-fiction

66) ICY CLUTCHES by Aaron Elkins - re-read - a Gideon Oliver novel

67) CURSES! by Aaron Elkins - re-read - a Gideon Oliver novel

68) MURDER IN THE QUEEN'S ARMS by Aaron Elkins - re-read - a Gideon Oliver novel

69) THE DARK PLACE by Aaron Elkins - re-read - a Gideon Oliver novel

70) THE GRAND SOPHY by Georgette Heyer - Vintage Regency Reread

71) THE RELUCTANT WIDOW by Georgette Heyer - Vintage Regency

72) ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE by Alison Weir - Biography - Historical non-fiction

73) THREE CAN KEEP A SECRET by Archer Mayor

A favorite 10 or so books list will be culled and posted soon. Stay-tuned.


  1. Sorry about your pages gadget - but the good news is that I have finally been able to become a public follower on your blog. Every time I have tried to do so it has told me that I am already a follower, but my avatar never appeared on your Google Friend Connect, and neither did you show up in my reading list.
    I have just removed myself from being a follower, even though I did not appear to be one, and re-entered myself, and there I am at last.
    Do you understand what I am going on about? Sorry it all sounds a bit double dutch.

    1. I do understand what you mean and I'm sorry, Rosemary, you've had to fuss about with the 'follower' thing but on the other hand I'm glad you kept at it. :) Things have been going awry on this blog for awhile and I have a tendency to throw my hands up in the air. Now and then followers disappear only to re-appear later, the lay-out thing won't let me move gadgets around anymore so where they show up is where they have to be. I hate that. That's why I'm thinking of totally re-designing my blog with a new lay-out. But that's for later in the year when I'm mentally and physically fitter (ha!) - it's a challenge. AND NOW I've noticed that my 'search' thing isn't showing up at the top of the blog or for that matter, anywhere else. So bear with me one and all - I'm trying to stay sane and in command. :)

  2. Hey - super cool! We read the same number of books this year. In the last 8 years I've only hit 100 once and that was when I was a stay at home mom. Otherwise, it seems like the mid-70 range is where I'll be for a while. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, BB. When I was younger I zipped through a hundred books or more a year with no problem. NOW it's a problem. I blame my age and the time I spend on my computer. Oh and, of course, reality intruding. Ha.

  3. Lots of good vintage mysteries! Nice list.

    1. Thanks, Peggy Ann. It was certainly a varied reading year. My favorite.

  4. So, so many great books! Looked up the Stout Hicks book. Had never heard of it. I think I still have a very few Wolfe and Archie books I haven't read yet. Oh, how I love them.
    Lots of Ellery Queen too. I want to read more.

    1. Thanks, Nan. The problem is I get on a reading/author binge and before you know it, I've read just about everything of that author or for whatever reason, gone off on a tangent and read who knows what. :)

  5. I've been feeling like a slacker. I read 225 books in 2013. When I was younger, and read faster I could polish off almost twice that number. Now that I see that most people do not hit 100, I do not feel so bad. Thanks to the list I just put the Bone Lady on my request list at the library. There may be more from the list later!

    1. Hope you enjoy your choice, Gram. It's an intriguing profession - being a forensic pathologist. I've decided not to worry anymore about how many books I read a year. I used to read so very quickly too. :)

  6. Thank you, Yvette, Unashamedly confessing, I have selected, copied, pasted, the entire 100 titles, for further perusal. Number 15 a surprise, THE PANTHER Nelson DeMille

    1. I enjoy Nelson DeMille - I wish he wrote faster. :) I think you'd like this book, Dave. Let me know what you think if you get a chance to read it. :)

  7. Great list of books read, Yvette! I'm going to have to read many of these authors.

  8. A very interesting list. I look forward to the list of 10.

    Having those problems with blogger must be frustrating. The only problem I have had so far is that I cannot create pages. The only thing I can do is create a post and then make it a link. But I live with that, because I don't want to mess with things.

    1. It's hard to know, Tracy, when to mess with it and when to leave it alone. :) I sometimes find things missing (i.e. the pages gadget) and just can't figure out what happened. It's happened before. I guess you just have to adapt. :)

  9. I think that's damn good going Yvette - congrats! And happy new year by the way - hope 2014 is a very good one (even with malfunctioning gadgets)

    1. Thanks, Sergio. I'm just afraid that one day I'll wake up and the entire blog will be missing. Ha!!

  10. Sorry for the tangent, but since you are an authority on Nero Wolfe, do you recall any books that deal with the 1950s McCarthy hearings and people who refuse to name names, or who do.

    1. Actually, Kathy, I don't remember any. The only book in which the FBI figures at all is THE DOORBELL RANG (one of Stout's more brilliant entries) but that's not about the Blacklisting. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. If I think of anything I'll post it.

  11. Thanks. The Doorbell Rang is great.

    Was thinking of books with Wolfe set during the Great Depression that show it. Fer-de-Lance, the first book does show some pf NY's poverty and low wages.


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