
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Salon: New York Cityscapes

American Impressionist Colin Campbell Cooper  (1856 - 1937) 'Hudson River'

Contemporary American painter Anne Bascove (b. 1946 - )

Canadian-American Impressionist/Realist Ernest Lawson (1873 - 1939)

Spanish  painter Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida (1863 - 1923) 'New York City Marathon'

American Illustrator Leonard Weisgard (1916 - 2000)

American Realist and 'Ashcan School' Painter John French Sloane (1871 - 1951) 'Woman's Work'

American Contemporary painter Francis Livingston

American landscape painter Guy Wiggins (1883 - 1962)

American Impressionist Colin Campbell Cooper (1856 - 1937) 'Chatham Square'

American Social Realist painter Reginald Marsh (1898 - 1954)

American Contemporary painter Eric Drooker

American Impressionist Childe Hassam (1859 - 1935) 'Lower Manhattan'

American Modernist painter Georgia O'Keefe (1887 - 1986) 'New York at Night'

American illustrator Mary Petty (1899 - 1976) (illust. for a New Yorker cover)

American Realist painter Edward Hopper  (1882 - 1967) 'Riding in the Park'

American Realist and 'Ashcan School' painter John French Sloan (1871 - 1951

American Contemporary painter Stephen Magsis '108 Franklin Street'

American Realist and 'Ashcan School' painter George Luks (1867 - 1933) 'Bleeker and Carmine Streets'

American illustrator Arthur Getz (1913 - 1996)

American Realist and 'Ashcan School' painter George Bellows (1882 - 1925) 'Cliff Dwellers'

American Contemporary painter Christine LaFuente

French illustrator Jean Jacques Sempe (b. 1932 - )

American Realist and 'Ashcan School' painter John French Sloan (1871 - 1951) 'Cornelia Street'

American Contemporary painter and illustrator Owen Smith (New Yorker cover 2006)

New York is central to my happiness even if I haven't been there in a while - I grew up in Manhattan, the city has a habit of latching onto your heart forever. Though I rarely get a chance to visit much anymore, in my own mind, I'm still a New Yorker and always will be.

At this holiday time of year, especially, the city glows in a special way.

So it's not at all remarkable to me how many artists have tried to capture the city in their work. The place is, after all, a magical sort of kingdom.

American Impressionist Colin Campbell Cooper (1856 - 1937) 'South Ferry'

Researching more of Cooper, I found this wonderful painting showcasing South Ferry, an area on the tip of Manhattan, very familiar to me growing up. I lived just about four or five blocks away and here's where we used to walk to take the ferry to Staten Island in the summer to go swimming or later, to ride horseback.


  1. I love New York and am probably a quintessential New Yorker. I can't imagine myself living anywhere else.

    I like many of these paintings, have seem some and others are new to me, like the LaFuente. I particularly like Sloane's "Woman's Work," which reminds me of my immigrant grandparents living on the Lower East Side in tenements, as did so many immigrants.

    1. I couldn't imagine myself living anyplace else either, Kathy. But life has a way of detouring your expectations. So here I am in NJ. At least I'm not that far away. I always say that if I win the lottery I'm moving back to the city. I want to live near the Metropolitan Museum of Art. :)

      You are very fortunate, my friend, to still be living in your city of dreams. I grew up on the Lower East Side by the way, immigrant central. :)

  2. Yvette, every one of these paintings is fantastic. I liked 'Lower Manhattan' by Childe Hassam and the one by Christine LaFuente a lot. Thanks for sharing these.

    1. You're welcome, Prashant. It's a joy to share my city. :)

  3. Oh my Yvette, Thanks for this fantastic post. I just did a happy dance. Loved this, Colm Campbell has 2 styles. I had never seen that O' Keefe painting. I adore Sloane.
    Many thanks,
    hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

    1. You're welcome, Yvonne. I love sharing the city with friends. Even if it's only in online art. :)

    2. Yvonne, I'm double-checking that Colin Campbell Cooper, just to make sure.

  4. Love the John Sloan paintings in particular. He's a favorite of mine.

    You feel about New York City the way I do about Boston. I didn't move there until I was 20, but I finished growing up there and lived in and around the city for the next 35 years. My husband and I just spent a great deal of October and November in a rented condo there and we're now determined to move back to the area. What is life worth if you're not happy where you live?

    The Museum of Fine Art currently has a stunning display of John Singer Sargent watercolors. And the T (subway) will drop you off right in front of the museum for $2.50. And you can go back to the museum FREE within 10 days! Bliss!!

    1. Oh how I envy you those John Singer Sargent watercolors. He's just about my favorite painter of portraits. The man was such a genius. His work makes me weak in the knees.

      I've never been to Boston, Joan. But I know I would love it. How do I know this? Because of the devotion of its people. I know there must be some damn fine reasons for a city to be so beloved.

  5. Dear Yvette,

    One of the things that I enjoy about your Sunday Salons is that you always introduce me to artists with whom I'm not familiar. I really appreciated going to Stephen Magsis' site, and noticed that he sells smaller paintings as well as major ones.

    I find it so interesting that some Impressionists were born as early as the 1850s. It says to me that they evolved in style or perhaps made a major shift relatively late in life. Interesting.

    1. Mark I have several of Magsis' paintings on my Pinterest boards - I love his work. Glad you've discovered him as well.There are so many interesting artists working today - thank goodness for the internet. :)

      Impressionism seems to have sprung to life as early as the 1860's so some of these painters were born into a world where styles of art were already changing.

  6. I love your blog - your energy and enthusiasm for so much that resonates with me. In a semi-perpetual fog, I found a link on a vintage post of mine to a 2011 post of yours with a painting I sought, and you shared, by Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale. How warming it is to see you going strong, perhaps stronger. Next I'll go back to really enjoy the artist you introduced yesterday. Thank you.

    1. Oh you're more than welcome, Marylinn. I understand the state of 'fog' I often find myself in the same state. Anytime you feel like dropping in please do so. I'm so glad you remembered me. :)


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