
Sunday, October 27, 2013

It's Halloween Again!

Vintage, vintage, vintage witchy-witch!

Cover art: Edna Eicke (1919 - 1979)

Cover art: F. Sands Brunner (1886 - 1954)

Artwork: Haskell Coffin (1878 - 1941)

Artwork: Susan Mitchell

Vintage Trick or Treat Bag

Cover art: William Joyce 1994

Artwork: Lisa Zador 

Artwork: Ida Outhwaite (1888 - 1960)

Artwork: Jean Baptiste Monge

Well, almost.

The above artwork is guaranteed to get you in the mood even if you're an old curmudgeon like me who wishes it would all go away. Ha!


  1. Wonderful Yvette - thanks so much. Love the first New Yorker one especially.

    1. You're welcome, Sergio.I love the way The New Yorker celebrates the Holidays. Most of their covers are just wonderful.

  2. Truly, if these don't get you in the spooky autumn mood there is no hope. None at all.

  3. Yvette, I fancy Ghost Stories and I'll probably read some creepy comics too from the EC Comics stable. Thanks for sharing these wonderful covers.

    1. You're welcome, Prashant. It's fun to scoop up these things and share them with everyone. :)

  4. Arthur Conan Doyle, what a treat to see these, Gosh
    only 10 cents. What has happened to the Money?
    This is such a great art work. Happy Halloween Yvette.
    Monge's work looks so Rockwell.

    1. You noticed, Yvonne. Imagine paying 10 cents for a mag and getting a story by Arthur Conan Doyle. Wow.

  5. Love them. Some of them would look really good on my walls.

  6. A lot of these are good, and I've never seen any of them before.

    I'm enjoying the festivities because there are two Halloween-aged children in my environs who are thrilled, can't wait to be a witch and a subway worker. The latter who showed me his hard hat with light on top (which he turned on, of course) then asked, "And what is Kathy going to be?"

    I'm loading up the goodies for them and for myself, as a back-up if not too many costumed children show up. It's always a good idea to have extra chocolate around the house.

    1. If there are kids around then Halloween is fun. Even if the constant bell ringing drives a certain chihuahua nutso all afternoon and evening. Ha! Yes, chocolate is always a good idea. :)

  7. The cover by Edna Eike reminds me of the house in my childhood neighborhood. The owner was nearing 100 and always sat on the porch, to my recollection glaring. She was very real, but seemed like an apparition.

    1. Well, at a hundred, you're almost an apparition by default. :) I love Edna Eicke's work. Check her stuff out on google. You'll be delighted. Maybe I'll do a post featuring only her work one of these days.


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