
Friday, June 7, 2013

Some Personal News

These past couple of weeks have been harrowing but I couldn't talk about what was happening in my family until now. My beautiful new grandson Tyler was born with a congenital heart defect (undetected at first) and when one week old had to be rushed into open heart surgery. Luckily he was treated at one of the best hospitals in the world: Columbia Presbyterian in Manhattan.

Thankfully Tyler came through like the little champ he is (I call him Superboy) and he's home again and healing nicely. As my daughter likes to say: babies are amazing. Yes, they surely are.

Skye and her husband Brian are doing well too after living through what I can only describe as a true nightmare. But our prayers were answered and Tyler has shown us what a courageous little guy he is.

You can read Skye's very heartfelt post about their ordeal, here on her blog.


  1. What a frightening time for you all, Yvette! How marvelous to have a happy ending.

    What a sweet little face!!!


  2. I just finished reading Skye's very emotional account on her blog. Thank goodness for Dr. Chen and all the wonders of modern medicine! I'm so happy that your grandson came through with flying colors!

  3. Yvette! I cannot imagine what all you guys have gone through. I'm so glad that cutie is doing well, though. Thanks for sharing such an incredibly story.

  4. Tyler is a treasure, a true reminder of the sweet things in life.

    My best to you and your family and your bravery during this ordeal.

    PS: Dr. Chen has a very nice face.

  5. Thanks, mjoy. He has the sweetest of expressions, this little charmer. And boy when I think of what he's gone through in his short little life, I am simply amazed.

  6. Thanks, Mark. It's been a roller coaster ride. Luckily and thankfully, it's been a ride with a happy ending.

    We were very VERY fortunate to have Dr. Chen at the helm.

  7. You're welcome, Picky. It's been hellish, but thankfully it's all come to a happy conclusion. Thank goodness that little Tyler seems to be part Superboy. :)

  8. Yes, Pat, I agree. Tyler is a sweet treasure. My one and only grandson and I'm so grateful he's going to be okay.

    Skye raved about Dr. Chen's demeanor during the ordeal. I'm so glad Tyler was in this gentle man's hands.

  9. Thank God its behind you. Lovely happy ending. Congratulations to all.

  10. What a harrowing experience, Yvette! So glad you all have made it through - especially Tyler. Wishing him a full and speedy recovery from the surgery - and praying for better times ahead for you all.

  11. Oh, Yvette! I'm so glad that Tyler is doing well. And so sorry for your awful experience (which I know well from the other end of the spectrum with my Dad's health issues). All my prayers for a complete and trouble-free recovery.

  12. God bless your new grandson with health and happiness, and I send you and your family positive thoughts as I'm sure you've been through so much stress. Glad he is a little fighter!

  13. Thanks, Les. It's amazing to all of us how quickly Tyler has been recovering.

  14. Thanks, Bev. We're all giddy with relief.
    I'm still astounded by how soon Tyler was discharged from hospital. He is a true superboy. :)

  15. Thanks, Joanne. Yes, exactly. He's a little fighter. An incredible little champ.

  16. Little babies undergoing such an ordeal. It's nothing short of hell. Wishing everybody happiness in the days ahead.

  17. Yvette, I'm sorry to hear about the ordeal all of you and especially the baby went through and I'm happy that it's all behind you and everything is fine. I wish your little grandson and everyone at home a very happy and healthy future.

  18. What a story! Your poor daughter and her spouse; what they went through is awful. And that poor baby, who amazingly with the best of modern medicine is doing well.

    Best wishes for his good health forever and to his parents for getting through this major stress and now moving on with his recovery and infancy, where he will no doubt be happy, given his family.

  19. What an amazing story. That is one of the first pictures I have seen where the MD is smiling. So happy for all of you for the outcome. Dee

  20. So glad Tyler is on the mend. Best wishes to baby and his loving family for good health and a happy life.

  21. I'm so relieved that your family has come through this well. Poor little, Tyler. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  22. Yvette, our family can relate to the ordeal you and your son-in-law Brian went through with baby Tyler's heart surgery! Our own daughter was in distress when she was in labor, so we can certainly sympathize! I read Skye's moving blog, and all of us here at Team Bartilucci HQ are relieved that he's back home and on the mend! Here's to Tyler's recovery, and hurray for modern medicine!

  23. So glad to hear that he came through okay. Sending positive thoughts to everyone in your family.

    Oh, and congrats on your new grandson. He's precious.

  24. Thanks, Neer. We've all come through an ordeal by fire, especially baby Tyler, but I'm happy to say we've come out the other side - stronger than ever.

  25. Thank you, Prashant. Your good wishes are much appreciated.

  26. Thanks, Kathy. We're all the better for it, I think. More tolerant of daily foibles, I hope. Certainly more appreciative or our blessings. Tyler is a true joy to behold.

  27. From one 'gram' to another: Thanks, Gram. :)

  28. Thanks, Jacqueline. It was a rough few days, but Tyler's courage kept us going. He is definitely a 'rock star'. :)

  29. Thanks, Dorian. Yes, modern medicine save our little champ. Next time I find myself complaining about 'modern times' I'll just remind myself of Tyler's incredible ordeal and recovery.

  30. Thanks, Michelle. All good wishes welcomed, that's for sure. :)

  31. Thanks, Joan. It was an awful few days, but now the sun is shining and all's right with the world. Our world, anyway.
    Tyler is such a little miracle.

  32. What a miracle and congrats!! on your brand new grandson!! We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers..

  33. Oh that is such an amazing post! Thank you for sharing - he is beautiful.

  34. Thanks, Sheila. He is, indeed, a beautiful baby.

  35. I'm so relieved and happy that all of your family came through this so well. It's certainly understandable why you've not been blogging much. My love and to all of you.

  36. Thanks, Debbie. Your kind words are much appreciated.

  37. I'm so happy that he pulled through and that you and your family can take a deep breathe and enjoy him.

  38. Thanks, Ryan. We're a happy bunch. :)

  39. Oh my Yvette! I'm sorry, I had no idea that this was happening. How frightened you all must have been! I just read Skye's blog post. I'm so glad to hear that Tyler came though his surgery with flying colors...thank goodness for modern technology and talented and skillful doctors like Dr. Chen! Tyler is a beautiful baby ...God bless!

  40. Thanks, Pat. Tyler came through with flying colors. He is a Superboy. :)

  41. Yvette - just catching up with your news - am so sorry that you've all had to go through this awful situation, but I'm pleased little Tyler is now on the mend. We are never at peace when our children (or grandchildren) are going through tough times - hopefully the road ahead will be smoother forTyler, his parents, his sister - and of course, you!

    My very best wishes to you all & prayers for continued recovery. xxx


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