
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Additional Comfort Reading

Artist: Rae Andrews - via

Okay, ladies and gents - what's better than a package of books on the doorstep?

All together now: NOT MUCH!!

I had ordered a couple of baby things (my grandson is due to make his debut this week) and a few books a while back and everything arrived packed together.

Here's the loot:

Tongues of Serpents by Naomi Novik

Crucible of Gold by Naomi Novik

The Plumed Bonnet by Mary Balogh

Regency Buck by Georgette Heyer

The first two books are part of my on-going love affair with Naomi Novik's alternate history account of the Napoleonic Wars. Even if you don't like fantasy, I urge you to give these books a look. Novik is a brilliant writer. Begin at the beginning though, with HIS MAJESTY'S DRAGON.

'THE PLUMED BONNET' is a re-read - but couldn't find my own well-worn copy on my shelves, so had to order another. Luckily there are plenty of used books online. I'm a big fan of early Mary Balogh. I think I've read all her Signet Regencies at one time or another.

The last title on the list is part of my continuing conversion to the books of the glorious Georgette Heyer. I'm a late in life convert and of course that makes me even more convinced that Heyer was a diamond of the first water.


  1. Yvette, there is nothing grander than a package of books in the post! I have a couple georgette Heyer on my shelf that I have yet to read, one a mystery and one a regency. This is the summer for them! And congratulations on the grandson, another thing that is grand to have delivered!

  2. Yes! When the postal carrier becomes your best friend.

  3. You said it, Peggy Ann. It's my favorite thing. (Next to a handsome UPS man in brown.) Ha.

    Thanks for the good wishes. I'm waiting on pins and needles as we speak. :)

  4. Caftan Woman: We're on the same wavelength, Pat.

  5. Yvette, I love getting boxes of books in mail, too! Then again, I also love getting movies in the mail. Why restrict ourselves in the pleasures of life, right? :-) Actually, lately I've been re-reading the comedy-suspense books of Donald Westlake and, for some reason, re-reading novelizations of favorite movies. I think this might be my subconscious noodging me to polish my novels again! :-)

  6. I must admit a package of books is...well...more SUBSTANTIAL than an email or text message telling me that I have a book ready to download to my Kindle. Enjoy the books, Yvette. AND, of course, the new grandchild!


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