
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Such gorgeous work. Artist unknown.

Ernest Bieler

Mary Cassatt

Arthur John Elsley

Jessie Wilcox Smith

Phoebe Wahl

Giovanni Boldini

Shirley Hughes

Jessie Wilcox Smith

Petra Brown

George Hughes

Carter Goodrich

Zinaida Serebriakova

I'm heading out for a picnic on the lake with my kids and grandkids. I hope you will all have an equally special day.

These works of art have been culled from various sources on the net. If you own the rights and would like the picture removed, please just let me know.


  1. Lovely Mother's Day paintings, Yvette! Have a great day with your loved ones.

  2. Wishing you a happy Mother's Day, Yvette — I know it will be!

  3. And the happiest of Mother's Days to you too, Yvette!

  4. I like this post Yvette,
    I thought which one of these works do I like the best? I choose the last one.
    I am far away from my mother so I had to be content to give her a telephone call as I do each Sunday, and have a nice long chat with a cup of tea.

  5. You always manage to find such delightful images Yvette - hope that you are having a wonderful day.

  6. Hi Yvette,

    Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day.

    You said "grandkids." Did the younger brother of your granddaughter arrive yet?

    I lost my mother last summer, so it's a bereft feeling to go through the day knowing that she is gone, but I hope that all mothers are feted today.

    The paintings are beautiful.

  7. Beautiful images, as always, Yvette.
    I stumbled across the following recently, and immediately thought of you. Pages of gorgeous photos (and paintings) of the women of Bloombury and Paris in the 20's and thereabouts.

  8. Thanks, Prashant. I did. We went out on the lake in my son-in-law's new boat. It's kind of a pontoon thing which holds us all very comfortably. Fun.

  9. Thanks, Mark. We had a great time out on the lake.

  10. Thanks, Les. It was a very good one.

  11. Well, the important thing is that you call, Kirk. :)

    I can never seem to pick ONE favorite. :)

  12. Thanks, Rosemary. The fun of these posts, I think, is trying to make a nice mix of pictures. :)

  13. Thanks, Kathy. No, I meant the baby still tucked away. :) He's due on Thursday.

    I lost my mom five years ago and yet the day doesn't go by that I don't think of her. Yeah, Mother's Day is hard. But I'm fortunate to have my daughter and her family.

  14. Haven't had a chance to take a look, Anonymous. But I definitely will. Thanks.

  15. Lovely paintings, my favorite is the Arthur John Elsley! Happy Mother's day to you too Yvette!

  16. Thanks Peggy Ann, I hope you had a great one. We did here. Nice picnic on the lake.


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