
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Don't faint, it's still me.

Yeah, I know, I'm fussing with the blog again. Can't help it. A new grand-baby and I'm in the mood for a change.

The basic design always stays the same, I like it well enough. But I like to tinker with the colors and the header at the change of seasons.

I love this vintage Mario Cooper illustration and here's my chance to share it with you.


  1. Mmmm, very interesting. Now I have to think about this. This is one painting that says enough to write an essay or short story about.

    By the way, what's the new grandson's name?

  2. I love the color! Very easy on the eyes and the pic is great too!

  3. Is he locking her in or trying to escape?
    I like the fact that you tinker at the seams - and this new look is a good background colour for the paintings you show.

  4. Yvette, I don't mind the tinkering as long as you continue to delight us with your posts. That header picture is unusual which probably makes it unique on your blog.

  5. Kathy: Maybe we'll have a fan-fiction extravaganza one of these days.:)

    My grandson's name is Tyler.

  6. Thanks, Peggy Ann. I like it too. :)

  7. Thanks Rosemary. I think he's trying to help her get out. Someone's locked them in, possibly. It's from a mystery story but I don't know who, what, where or how.

    I may do a little more investigating.

    For whatever reason, this is one of my favorite vintage illustrations. Maybe it's that man's gorgeous body? And that gorgeous blond hair?

    You think?

  8. Thanks, Prashant. I think after awhile I get restless going to the same place so I change the colors and header pix and everything is all right again. :)

  9. Yvette, if this illustration ISN'T from some kind of thriller, it sure ought to be! There are any number of explanations of this fascinating picture at least one involving a lawsuit for the characters-in-distress, no doubt! :-) In any case, Yvette, BRAVA to celebrating your new grandchild in a colorful, suspenseful way! :-)

  10. Thanks, Dorian. I love this illustration and thought - why not?

  11. Just a correction, Yvette. The illustration is for a story called "The Lion on the Lawn," not Christie's novel. I couldn't find the issue in the Fiction Magazine database or I'd tell you who wrote the story, too.

  12. Really? My source says Murder in Retrospect. I'll not source it all then.

  13. Peggy Ann, I can't leave a comment on your blog unless I join Google Plus, something I'm not sure I understand.

    I'll ask my daughter about it and see what she says.

    Just wanted you to know that I did try to post a comment. :)

  14. Looking good, Yvette. And you know what they say: A change is as good as a rest.

    Don't ask me who "they" are. I heard it somewhere and now I can't remember where. :-)

  15. You should have a writing contest: write a short piece that goes with this painting.

    It's a puzzler.

  16. I can't remember either, Bev. I was probably napping at the time. :)

  17. Maybe we ought to have a Fan-fiction thing going on. I'll think about it, Kathy.


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