
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Salon: A Gathering of Clouds...

American Golden Age Illustrator and Painter, N.C. Wyeth (1882 - 1945) - source

Flemish painter Simon Alexander Clement-Denis (1755 - 1813) source

Contemporary American Illustrator/Painter Rob Colvin - Vermillion Cliffs - source

Contemporary American Illustrator/Painter Rob Colvin - Blind Mesa - source

Hungarian Painter Vaszary Janos (1867 - 1938) - Lake Balaton with Wreathing Clouds 1905

American Contemporary Emily Jeffords - source

American Contemporary Anne Packard - Winter's Night - source

American Contemporary Painter Logan Maxwell Hagege - Unveiling the Clouds - source

Spanish Painter Antoni Utrillo Viadera (1867 - 1934)

American Painter Gerald Cassidy (1869 - 1934)

American Contemporary American Painter Ed Mell - source

American Landscape Painter Martin Johnson Heade (1819 - 1904) source

Dutch Contemporary Designer/Painter Berndnaut Smilde 2012 - source

American Contemporary Illustrator/Painter Dennis Ziemienski - source

Dutch Master Vincent Van Gogh (1853 - 1890) source

American Landscape Painter Albert Bierstadt (1830 - 1902) Storm in the Mountains - source

American Contemporary Painter Ed Mell - source

American Contemporary Painter Phil Epp - source

An exuberance of clouds by various artists. Remember this is only a smattering of what's out there - it's impossible to include everything. But I think this is a nice representation.


  1. Yvette - what a fantastic collection of images. Inspiring. Cheers

  2. As always, a great cross-section, Yvette.

    I sometimes look at clouds and think that no one would believe they looked like that if someone painted them. . . It's interesting to see the literal and not-so interpretations!

  3. Clouds, especially storm clouds, always make me feel so insignificant. These are beautiful paintings. I like the Anne Packard painting. She's new to me.

  4. Hi, Yvette - I found myself clicking on each of these to see the enlarged versions. For some reason (and I'd love to know why) I'm especially drawn to the more contemporary images where the clouds are abstracted into solid volumes, like Hagege's. But I'd live happily with any of them . . .

  5. Thanks, Carole. Glad you enjoyed them.

  6. Thanks, Debbie. If I didn't know better I'd think clouds were invented by nature precisely to be interpreted by artists.

  7. Joan, Anne is new to me also. You can see more of her work at the following link. It looks as if the family owns its own gallery.

    Sorry I can't do live links in comments.

  8. I love them all, Mark. I too would be very happy with any of them. But again I would choose the Albert Bierstadt which remains one of my favorite paintings.

    Secondly, I'd choose one of the contemporaries too.

  9. Beautiful paintings to come to while searching around the Internet and landing here.

    All are lovely.

  10. I loved each and every cloud paintig! Now that i live in a "big sky" area in Colorado I love watching the clouds more than ever. I am actually looking forward to the thunderstorms of summer, as I know they will look spectacular here.


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