
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Salon: The work of James Neil Hollingsworth

All paintings in this post are the copyrighted work of James Neil Hollingsworth

My good blogging friend Mark Ruffner recently posted about the work of one of his favorite artists, Kenton Roberts  and while viewing it, I was reminded of an artist I also admire and promised to post about his work on my blog.

So, here we are.

James Neil Hollingsworth is a contemporary realist painter with a rather interesting background. He enlisted in the Air Force in 1972 and after discharge, worked a series of jobs and spent weekends flying sailplanes. Later, he became a Registered Nurse along with his wife who, by the way, is the painter Karen Hollingsworth.

When James' paintings began to sell over the internet and elsewhere, he gave up nursing and became a full time painter. He is currently represented by four galleries and his work is in many private and corporate collections in the U.S. and around the world.

The thing that I find most intriguing about these paintings and what they have in common with Kenton Roberts' work, is the amazing sense of stillness. Even the mule is caught in suspended animation. These are beautifully rendered acutely precise moments in time, I think.


  1. It's hard to believe these are paintings. I looked and looked and then had to read what you posted about the artist before I allowed myself to believe they are paintings. It is beyond me how artists achieve this level of realism.

  2. Hi, Yvette - I can see how you made that connection. I like that sense of stillness and Hollingsworth's palette. I'm particularly appreciative of artists who can render silver as he does! My favorite of these is the composition of chairs — it has an almost abstract quality.

  3. Dear Yvette,
    I think that what stands out for me the most about these wonderful paintings are the shadows. Look at the way the shadows fall on the rucked up cloth with the silver teapot on it. They are like photographs.
    Like Mark, my 'favourite' is the stacked up chairs. I think that that is very cleverly executed.

  4. Joan I think that it's all in the way they 'see' and also how their technique works for them and in them. Can't think of any other reasons.

    It is incredible work.

  5. Me too, Caftan Woman. I must give kudos to the Internet. I'd never have found so many wonderful artists to wonder about if not for my trusty computer.

  6. Mark, I love the 'chairs' one as well, though I must admit my favorite is the first painting - the stairs and hallway and those absolutely luscious shadows.

    But I think the 'chairs' painting is where you can see the brilliance of this man.

  7. Oh the shadows are enthralling, Kirk. That's the main reason I love the first painting so much.

    These are like photographs but not. They are once removed.

  8. I love both tea kettle works, the refleciton he gets out of them is amazing.

  9. These are stunning examples of realism! The second painting of the tea kettle on top of the cloth is exquisite! I will enjoy explorig the liks you've given, Yvette!


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