
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's a good day and I'm celebrating the election with Nina.


  1. It is indeed a good day and many people join you in celebrating! Enjoy it.

  2. I love that song--it perfectly expresses the joy I felt last night when the election was called.

  3. Well, I'm a bit happier about some of the Congressional wins than the Presidential, but clearly it could've been worse. And perhaps the closeness of everything will suggest to Obama that he might want to stand up for the common person a bit more (rather than depend on the Romneys to alienate them) in the course of his work...but I wouldn't count on it. Good animation on this video, no?

  4. Thanks, Mark. It was nail-biting time last night but in the end, worth all the anxiety. :)

  5. A beautifully designed video, Todd. Done for a School of Visual Arts project. A school I'm familiar with since I attended for awhile years ago.

    Anyway, I am thrilled with the election and I won't let you put a damper on it. :)

  6. What a song and beautiful visuals to go with a good day.

    When I consider the alternative, I shiver.

    As a woman, I feel good that 55% of women voters stood up to the Neanderthals and said they wanted pay equity, health care and the right to make their own decisions about their lives. (Hey, this isn't a day for subtlety.)

    This reminds me to get dust off my Nina Simone cd's and go to town.

  7. I didn't think anyone listened to her anymore. I pull her up on YouTube every so often. Thank you.

  8. I know, Kathy. It's scary to think how close we came to the abyss.

    A good song for a new day indeed.

  9. You're welcome, Gram. Nina Simone's music was part of my teen years so I do listen to her every now and then.

  10. As one living in Florida, and having lived through 2000 here, I was just so glad that Florida's vote wasn't the determining factor!

  11. Hey, it's not me who would be dampening! Pointing out feet of clay is not to create said pods.

    Nonetheless, as I've noted elsewhere, congratulations, centrist Democrats!

  12. I thought so too, Deb. I was thrilled with the election results. :)

  13. Well, even if it had been, Mark, he would have won anyway. But really, what's up with Florida???

  14. We still have to worry about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, though, I'm afraid. The Evil Emperors are still after these funds.


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