
Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy days are here again......!

artwork by Mary Royt

I'm back where I belong, slaving away at the computer. HA!

I never thought I'd miss the damn thing so much. It's kind of frightening really, just how much I've come to depend on this thing. How much I take it for granted.

Here's what happened: the old computer (five years old more or less) blew a fuse. First it began making a loud noise like the 'rushing' of the ocean - I kid you not. Then when I shut it down to reboot it refused to cooperate. My daughter deduced that the thing had given up its ghost. Fried to a crisp. 'Dust and dog hair,' she said. (I wouldn't be surprised.)

And since I don't back anything up, all my files were gone - zip. Disappeared into the ether.

But wait, my wonderful daughter knows someone who can retrieve the hard drive from the broken down old carcass, so all is not lost. In a few weeks I should have all my stuff back - hopefully.

So here we are, a few days later and I'm breaking in a new computer - thanks once again to my daughter. Totally different screen and totally different (in size) keyboard. That's the hard part, accommodating my hands to the different spaces.  Plus it's still feeling strange looking at the different screen and all. But I'll soon grow accustomed to its face.

So while I'm breaking in my new electronic companion, bear with me. I'm taking it slow and easy and making sure I don't alienate it before we become best buds.


  1. glad you are back on line!!! who would of thought "WE" would be on the computer !! Miss mine also when I can't get on it for a few days also!! WELCOME BACK!! Judy G.

  2. Thanks Judy, glad to be back so soon. I was anticipating days and possibly weeks away. Thank goodness (and Skye) that it was just a few days.

  3. I've had a similar thing happen to me a couple of computers ago and since then I've always had an external hard drive backing up my programs and photos, Yvette. It's worth it!

  4. Hi Yvette That was a good blog. Please do try and make good friends with your new computer. Speak to it gently. :-) We do take them for granted. All seems very routine, until something doesnt work. The only stuff I back up are the Itune songs. I did get a new keyboard last week, it looked very stylish curved and with buttons everywhere but I am still getting used to having to adapt.

  5. I really do need to so something about it, Pat. It's just that I am so technologically challenged that I'm afraid to change anything or do anything different. I need to get over that, I know.

  6. Thanks, Fred. Glad to be back, let me tell you. :)

  7. Hooray! Yvette, we're so glad to see you online again! You never realize how much you depend on your computer until it's gone. Being dependent on my computer whiz hubby Vinnie, I can relate! Hats off to Skye for for being a kind and generous daughter as well as having an adorable tot! :-)

  8. Glad to have you back. My computer is about 5 years old now too, I guess I need to keep my fingers crossed.

  9. Carbonite backs up all your data automatically. If someone steals your computer they will take a back-up drive as well, but with Carbonite it is safe. At about $5. a month it is well worth it. And no expert technology know-how needed, but ask your daughter. Dee

  10. Exactly, Dorian. You just don't know how much you'll miss it till it's gone. Truer words were never spoken. I'm so happy to be back with a new computer, connecting once again. :)

  11. Thanks, Dave. I'm slowly but surely becoming friends with the new guy. :)

    Oh, I don't know is I could handle a curved keyboard. I have enough trouble with the regular ones. :)

    Good luck.

  12. Thanks, Dee. I will definitely ask Skye about this. :)

  13. Glad to see that you, Rocky and the computer are up and running!

    Yippie for the bloggers!


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