
Friday, July 20, 2012

Foreign Film Poster Friday

French poster for the Hercule Poirot movie based on Agatha Christie's book, APPOINTMENT WITH DEATH starring Peter Ustinov as Poirot. Not a very good movie, but a nice poster. (In truth, this is not that terrific a Christie book either.)

P.S. It sounds so much nicer in French.


  1. I'm reading AC in order of publication and I haven't come to this one yet. Nice poster, though.

  2. A nice poster, though I would never cast Ustinov as Poirot!

  3. Prashant: Yes, a better poster than the film, I'm afraid.

  4. Mark, I know! But at least he was personable in the part.

  5. I'll put this film on my list even though it may not be stellar. That's okay.

    The French title is nicer,yes.

  6. Kathy: You may like it more than I did. I'm only one person's opinion after all. :)

  7. However, an important movie critic's opinion so it holds weight.

    I always add the movie titles to my lists, but the library often doesn't have older movies (or books these days either!).

  8. I read the book not too long ago, but I haven't seen the Peter Ustinov version. I tend to like the 70s Poirot films because of the casting. It's fun to see so many well-known actors in one film.

    Yeah, I didn't think the book was that great, either. I got a bit angry with it because I don't like it when mystery authors withhold relevant information from the reader. It makes me feel really frustrated!


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