
Friday, June 1, 2012

To my mom...

Today is my late mother's birthday, she passed away four years ago and I still can hardly believe it. She would have been 93 this year, if she'd lived.

In honor of my mom, I'm enclosing a link to one of her very favorite musical pieces. The Sorcerer's Apprentice by the French composer, Paul Lukas. Link.

Happy Birthday, Mom. 


  1. sure do miss Nana!! and I loved her like she was "my" Mom .. and I also know ALOT of people she touched with her food, her smile and her kindness.. Happy Birthday my sweet Nana!!

  2. my thoughts are with you. prayers for grace, peace and healing.

  3. A lovely image by which to be remembered. I hope you take comfort in very happy memories.

  4. Judy, I shared her with you for years. You know that. I don't know what we would have done without you in the last couple of years of her life. She loved and depended on you as if you were another of her children.

    In a way, she was 'everybody's' mom in the neighborhood.

    Though she could be a typically cranky old lady and sometimes she made me yank out my hair, I miss her every day of my life.

  5. Thank you, Laura. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note.

  6. Mark: I think what happens is this: when you lose your mother and father as you yourself are elderly, it seems outrageous. Simply because they've been a part of your life for so long. They become - if this makes any sense - part of the scenery of your life, part of the make-up.

    Sounds illogical and foolish, I know, but I expected my mom (especially) to live forever. She seemed indomitable.

    I have so many memories. It's a flood. :)

  7. Your post reminded me that I should enjoy every day I have with my mother, even if some of them are difficult.

  8. A very touching tribute, Yvette. You must have had a very special relationship with your mother. Our parents touch our lives in so many ways, don't they? Thanks very much for the link.

  9. Thank you, Prashant. Yeah, I didn't realize how special until it wasn't there anymore. Isn't that always the way?

    Gosh, I miss her.

  10. Exactly, Carol. Enjoy your mom while you have her. Good and/or bad days, it doesn't matter. She's your mom.

  11. I lost my mother 12 years ago, although I'd already lost her to dementia, that unforgivable thief. She was such an amazing woman, the most loving I've ever met. I'm so glad that I took the time to tell her that before I lost her. I think I miss her more now than I did at the time. I often want to pick up the telephone to call her or expect her to call me.

  12. Joan, I want to pick up the phone too, all the time. I wish I'd had more patience when my mom's mind wasn't what it once was - there towards the end.

    It was such a sad time. My mom was a very strong woman, always. I hated seeing her weakened physically and mentally.

    Dementia is a horribly cruel condition. I can only imagine what you must have gone through, Joan.

    Well, at least both our moms are at rest.


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