
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy Birthday, Basil Rathbone!

Basil Rathbone (1892 - 1967) One of my favorite actors of all time! Gosh, I love this man. Not only as Sherlock Holmes, but even as the scurrilous villain in ABOVE SUSPICION and the odious Sir Guy of Gisbourne in ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD and the snarling, sneering French pirate in CAPTAIN BLOOD and so on and so on...The man was such a strong screen presence. As I said, I love him. Always will. He can do no wrong.

Happy Birthday, Basil, you lovely man.


  1. Gorgeous and a terrific actor.

  2. He is quite dashing and makes the perfect Holmes.

  3. His is a great face — I like the image on the cigarette card!

  4. Ryan, I love these photos of Basil Rathbone. The first few are some I'd never seen before.

  5. BookBelle, oh dashing indeed. And very diabolical as a bad guy. But the perfect Holmes. :)

  6. Yes, Mark, I agree. A great movie face. I don't believe there an angle the camera didn't like. Isn't that cigarette card interesting? :)


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